Sunday, October 23, 2005

DISCUSSION: Writing Your Memoirs

DISCUSSION: Writing Your Memoirs

Have you ever thought about writing your life story. This is the place to discuss how to start your memoirs or offer advice to those interested in starting theirs.


LaTara Ham-Ying said...

How do you keep your memoirs from sounding like everyone else's?

Shelia said...

Someone asked me to assist them with their memoir. Should they decide on the theme for the memoir and write it according to the theme?

Shelia (Badge#16)

Unknown said...

How do you know hen your life is interesting enough to read about?

I have a character pitching his memoirs. I have him drafting a proposal and sample chapters - because that's what the Writer's Digest columnist did :) Is that typical?

Jenna - Agent 08

Leann Writes said...

Are there any taboos to avoid when writing either your own or someone else's memoir

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