Thursday, December 17, 2020

Book Of The Day - Your Adam Is Asleep Until God Opens His Eyes by Dr. Velma Bagby


Your Adam Is Asleep Until God Opens His Eyes is a non-fiction guide for the Christian single woman (seasoned, divorced or millennial), who seeks a love which leads to marriage. It captures Dr. Velma, a mother, as she answers her daughters’ most pressing questions about men and marriage, as well as the preparation necessary to receive both in life.

In the book, women will discover how to create a husband-to-be list void of conditions, practice intentional dating vs random hook ups, intentional dating tips to weed out counterfeits, the 5 guy types to avoid, the 3 roles women are not called to assume in a relationship, tips to date safely using what Dr. Velma calls the parade around principle, the importance of releasing past mistakes/hurts (baggage) - fixing a broken past, and the preparation essential for every woman so she can present her best to Mr. Right, and more.

As the book’s foundation, Dr. Velma uses the first married couple in the book of Genesis, her own 46 years of successful marriage, and 20 years of counseling singles and married couples. Dr. Velma hopes the reader will walk away with - a renewed hope that a love which leads to marriage is possible, feeling affirmed as a woman, embracing her value as his prize and with a clear vision in terms of how to move forward towards her marriage goal.  

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To purchase:

Ebook or Paperback:  Your Adam Is Asleep Until God Opens His Eyes: Bagby, Velma: 9781545637920: Books

or from my website:



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Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Book Of The Day - A Place Called Down – Why Christians Suffer by Dr. Velma Bagby


Adoni Publishing CEO/Founder/Author Dr. Velma Bagby Released her New Book On 8/21/2020. 

It Highlights How We Can Believe That Our walk with God will only be filled with mountaintop experiences, but in her 4th published book, she reminds us that in fact, God can also order for us A Place Called Down.

Within the pages of Dr. Velma Bagby’s newest book, A Place Called Down – Why Christians Suffer ($13.99 paperback, $3.99 eBook) readers will find that Dr. Velma deviates from her relationship-focused topics to bring us into her own testimony of tests, trials and tribulation, to offer insight into a place of suffering common to us all.

 Dr. Velma reminds us our down place is not always the workings of evil, sometimes, God allows it because He is maturing us. A place called down are places of suffering; such as, financial challenges, lack of housing, divorce/separation, long-term illness, death, tragedy, job loss, unhealthy work environment and more. Dr. Velma provides a glimpse of her life when our world entered a down place as a result of two pandemics: the COVID19 virus, and racism.

She says a down place is not designed to be fun or easy, by its very nature it can be likened to a refiner’s fire. A fire so hot that it burns away all impurity and that which is not useful, so that all that remains is the original intent of the craftsman – this is how the place called down can feel. Isolating. Difficult. Unyielding. Powerless. Yet, even in the place called down, there are what Dr. Velma calls rainbow moments where God reminds you of what you already know – He is with you and He has not forgotten you.

Dr. Velma says Newton's theory says “what goes up must come down”, but God says what goes down will come up in the same resurrection power which raised Jesus from the grave.  Commit as Dr. Velma did, to come out of the place called down with something:  maturity, faith, strength, joy, renewed hope.

Although this is Dr. Velma’s first self-published work under her company, she has other published books – Two Journals to accompany A Place Called Down book – The Rainbow Moments and the Memory Journals (available from her web site only). Her other books: Your Adam is Asleep Until God Opens His Eyes, Back in the Day Anthology and a Kindle Book -My 70’s Love Story.  Released September 5, 2020 a book written by her Granddaughter Kai, Age 6, The Little Letter k and the Boring Alphabet Line and her next book coming in 2021, is a return to her relationship-focused topic, If the Fish Aren’t Biting, Its Time to Change the Bait.

About Dr. Velma Bagby. Dr. Velma is the CEO/Founder of Adoni Publishing, LLC a Christian publishing company. She is a sought-after minister, speaker and respected certified dating/relationship coach and a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors/Coaches (AACC).

She is a retired California state Administrator living in northern California with her husband, Pastor Dr. Bruce. She is the mother of two daughters, a son-n-law, three grandkids. She is joined at home by Gracie, her German Shepherd superhero.

A Place Called Down is available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon or purchase the paperback at Serendipity Christian Bookstore, Fairfield, CA, or the paperback and journals direct from her web site:

Social Media:

FB page:, or @DrVelmaB






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Thursday, December 03, 2020

Book Of The Day - The Little Letter K and the Boring Alphabet Line by Kai Mahalyn Tampol and Dr. Velma Bagby



First-time Author 6-year old Kai Mahalyn Tampol, sketched pictures of her book character and dictated her story idea to her Grandmother, Author and Adoni Publishing CEO, Dr. Velma Bagby. With her help, Kai created the Little Letter k character and kept her original hand-drawn sketches. Kai completed her transcript while in first grade, she is now seven and an avid reader with multiple talents. Kai used her imagination for her story and hopes other children will use theirs.

The story follows the Little Letter k, who becomes bored standing in the alphabet line, in the same position and her assigned spot every day. Little Letter k tries using tricks for fun, without moving from her spot in line.  Bored and tired, Little Letter k uses her imagination, risks exposing an alphabet secret, and bravely leaves the line in search of more fun. Eventually, her friends discover Little Letter k missing and decide to look for her. Here is a hint to the ending, because of Little Letter k’s imagination, the alphabet line was never boring again.

Beta Tested by: Hansel & Gretel Day Care & Pre-School, Hercules, CA (ages 2-4) and Bright Futures Growth & Development Center, Richmond, CA (ages 3-6)


Book Reviews:

A Teacher: “It is a cute book especially for children who are learning letters and colors. As a teacher, I would recommend this book for students pre-k-1st grade. I love that this book was written by a young scholar…”


A Mom: “My preschooler and I loved reading this book and right after the story, she got her magnetic alphabet, made a boring line then she started an alphabet party. She doesn’t want her alphabet friends to be bored. The author did a great job to inspire kids to use their imagination to think outside the box…”


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