Tuesday, October 25, 2005

DISCUSSION: Writer's Associations: How to choose the one right for you.


Writer's Associations: How to choose the one right for you.

Have you been trying to decided which organization to join?

Lets talk about it.


  1. My question to participants is how do you manage all of your groups (if you are in more than one)?

  2. hi,

    this is directed to all panelists.

    have you joined any writers associations?

    have you started any?

    can you share one of the best things that has happened based upon your participation with a group?

    have any of the groups you belong to published an anthology and if so were you a part of it ?


  3. Greetings from sunny South Africa (I'll try to attach some sunshine for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere!)

    This question is for all the panelists:

    Resources for writers in this country here are very very scarce, so I am always on the lookout for good online writers' associations to help develop and hone my writing skills. I have joined the American Christian Fiction Writers, and have received an incredible amount of teaching and encouragement from them for which I am grateful.

    Can you recommend some other writers associations that would be of benefit to writers living outside USA? I write women's fiction and also for pre-school chilren.

    Thank you all for being on this panel, and thank you LaShaunda for organising this conference.

    Ruth #100

  4. #66


    You can always go on eharlequin.com they always have some kind of free course. Then Karen Fox.com is a website tht provides all kinds of information. Nent I wold say do a goggle and check out the sites. It all depends on the kind of writing you're doing as to the organizations you want to join. Romance Writers of America is a very good one and as the title says the focus is on romance.

    Dyanne #66

  5. I know the SCBWI (Society of Children's Books Writers and Illustrators) is a good organization for writers of YA and children's books. I believe they have a web site and I know they have local chapters... Google them and check them out, Ruth. :)

    RWA is an excellent organization if you are targeting the romance and/or women's fiction genres. While I don't always agree with the national body, I enjoy the local chapters and the online information is extremely helpful.

    EPIC (Electronically Published Internet Connection) is an organization for writers who have titles e-published. http://www.epicauthors.com

    And yes, I've been in a several anthologies (one isn't out yet) with writing groups I've belong to... It's a lot of fun and can be a great way to get your name out there in the public's eye. :)

    Cindy #19

  6. I've been pondering joining RWA, but couldn't scrape the money together. How much is 'worth it' for an association?

    I'm active with free online communities (eHarlequin, cataromance, Romance Divas, Barns & Noble University) but when it comes to shelling out cash I'm more hesitant..and broke :)

    I need to join RWA now that I'll be published, but the $$ still scares me. Other than getting in to conferences (with a fee) and qualifying for contests (again, a fee) what do writers associations do for you?

    Jenna - Agent 08

  7. A big thank you to CINDY (19) and DYANNE(6)for your suggestions of Writer's Associations for writers outside USA. I'll follow up on those leads.

    Ruth #100

  8. You know, Jenna, I have the same feelings about shelling out money to join organizations... I need to know what they can do for me and my writing career upfront.

    RWA is good in that they allow non-published writers to join and benefit from the networking and informational opportunities. And it does cost... ugh! If I could belong to the local chapter alone I would, but the national organization makes you join the whole shebang.

    It's a trade-off... You can take the dues off your taxes if you are claiming any writing income. (Good) But if you're still showing a lost, that doesn't help much. If you feel you are getting good networking and educational opportunities for free online or via other writers groups, then don't feel pressured to join a big national writers organization.

    Believe it or not, there are quite a few big names who DON'T belong to RWA. I was amazed to find out but it's true... So membership in a big group isn't a guarantee of writing success.

    Best of luck!
    Cindy #19

  9. Know what you want from an organization?

    I rejoined RWA because I meet with other writers. My only contact with writers is online. I wanted to
    talk with others. I also want to keep up todate with the market.

    They also have some great email loops.

    Know why you want to join?

    Are you joining to have something to put on your resume?

    Are you joining to network? Are you joining for critique groups?

    What will they offer?

    Do they offer critiques?
    Do they offer workshops?
    Do they offer training?
    Do they offer a newsletter?

    How often will they meet?

    Will they meet once a month?
    Twice a month? Twice a week.

    Know what your schedule can handle.

    I started the SORMAG's Writer's group after the 2003 online conference.

    Those in attandance wanted to continue the dialogue. We offer workshops support, networking and market updates.

    You get what you put into it. That's with any online or offline organization.

  10. I hope I'm not off target but being a member of LaShunda's original group Black Writer's United led me to two local groups. Memphis African Amerian Writers started by best selling author Shelia Lipsey. The group is comprised of authors of various genres. We network and share information and assist new authors like myself. I was also led to Memphis Rawsistaz by Emanuel Carpenter. Memphis Rawsistaz' branch was started by best selling author Alisa Yvonne. This group offer a vast array of talent. We have authors, editors, publicist, book sellers, a bookstore owner Alisa Yvonne(Urban Knowledge in Southland Mall)a PR person, website designers, book reviewer, a future literary agent and the list goes on and on. We use our indiviual talents to encourage, support and promote each other. We host book signings, meet monthly and email each other daily. There are 16 of us in the group and there is always room for more. You can check out our group at memphisrawsistaz.com. Perhaps we can do something to assist you in your career.
    Felecia (158)


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