Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Let's Talk About It

How do you feel about Harlequin purchasing BET?

Do you think there will be a difference in the books?

Will it open the market to new readers?

Let's talk about it. Post your comments here.


  1. Name: Claudia N. Tynes
    Where are you from? Clinton, MD
    Genre You Write: Nonfiction
    Did you attend conference before: Yes, participated in 2003
    Where did you hear about conference? I am a member of SORMAG online group

  2. I posted at AAR's ATBF under "Promotions & AA romance authors", so in addendum, I have hopes that Harlequin's acquisition of BET Books will mean that AA authors will come to understand how important promoting, coming from themselves and not just a "Website"(as in, Harlequin's wwebsite or even a review site), is very important in concern to reader reception of their books.

    I know first hand that there are some authors out there that are quite successful but have never had an active web presence or even a website throughout their career. But AA authors have the hurdle of overcoming reader predjudice(not racism, but preconceived notions) and the fact that there are readers out there who would like to read their books, but the lack of web presence and lack of discussion due to reader ignorance b/c they don't know where to obtain objective and fair reviews contribute to publisher and author assumptions that the only audience for AA authors are with the mid-sized AA romance reading community.

    Hopefully with this acquisition BET authors will be permitted to cross into multiple H/S gaining more exposure for themselves because as much as H/S is derided for their tired and true secret babies and cowboys, the structure of their publishing house allows authors of many races to reach readers who like reading particular lines as opposed to the struggle for recognition that ST authors face. But in the end, we readers(who might also be unpublished writers) and reviewers can only do so much until it's time for authors to do their part.

  3. I'm a little sad to see BET close its doors. However I'm hoping this opens up a new market for writers.

    Harlequin is in a lot more bookstores and they have a huge bookclub, which hopefully will mean more fans for the writers.

    Which means more opportunites for new writers.

  4. Hi, I don't know the business reasons for the decision but I'm hopeful that it will only be an increase in the market for all readers and writers, especially AA writers as well as readers. I believe wholeheartedly that given the opportunity and over time there will be an increase from a marketing point of view simply because of the amount of talent we as AA writers and readers possess. I'm a strong advocate of marketing everywhere because there are readers and writers everywhere. I am very proud that was have embraced our talents and are very strong in our own AA community but I feel any individual that appreciates and understands great literary skill should sooner or later be acquainted with it. If moves like this allows this to happen, I personnaly feel it could be a productive move. I believe in AA being represented everywhere. We are slowly diffusing in all cultures and society. The bigger the market the greater our chances become to grow. I also agree with the comments of one of the above post made from Kelly, which I copied several lines here...
    "But AA authors have the hurdle of overcoming reader predjudice(not racism, but preconceived notions) and the fact that there are readers out there who would like to read their books, but the lack of web presence and lack of discussion due to reader ignorance b/c they don't know where to obtain objective and fair reviews contribute to publisher and author assumptions that the only audience for AA authors are with the mid-sized AA romance reading community.

    Hopefully with this acquisition BET authors will be permitted to cross into multiple H/S gaining more exposure for themselves because as much as H/S is derided for their tired and true secret babies and cowboys, the structure of their publishing house allows authors of many races to reach readers who like reading particular lines as opposed to the struggle for recognition that ST authors face."
    ***I wasn't exactly sure what H/T and ST stood for ... but I commend and agree with the post overall...smile...

  5. H/S is Harlequin/Silhouette. ST is single title.

  6. I am anxious to see what changes there will be. I hope it will allow for wider distribution of our AA authors. However, it seems with each buy out we end up with less instead of more. I had high expectations of BET the made for movies were horrible, they lost quite a few of their top writers, and then distirubtion in small towns almost disappeared.

    Hopefully with this buyout AA authors will have more exposures.


  7. # 66-- I am also waiting to see what happens and hoping that they don't dilute the AA stories and make them the usual fare. Even though BET had already been bought out by Viacom I was also see them close their doors. Even if they are the competition for my publisher.


Thanks for your comment.