Tuesday, October 04, 2005


You're invited to SORMAG's 2005 Online Conference

When - October 23-29, 2005

Where: Here on this blog

Time: 24/7 the conference is open all day. There will be no chats, so you're free to stop by anytime and attend.

Price: FREE!

Prizes: There will be doorprizes for those who participate.

Tell your friends, we have something for the writer and reader.

We have 50 authors and four editors attending this year. Don't miss out on the knowledge and fun. Check out the schedule:


Day One – October 23, 2005 --Writing For The Lord

PANEL: Christian Anthologies
Dena Dyer, Mary Griffith, Sabra Robinson, Jacquelin Thomas, Robin Bayne

PANEL: Breaking Into The Christian Market
Mary Griffith, Stacy Hawkins Adams, Jacquelin Thomas, Cheri Paris Edwards, Lyn Cote

WORKSHOP: Fresh Ideas - Deartra Boone

DISCUSSION: How do we get our faith-based books to the big screen

Day Two - October 24, 2005 --New Writers

DISCUSSION: Writing Your Memoirs

WORKSHOP: Scene & Structure - Yolonda J. Greggs

WORKSHOP: Character Development - Deatra King Bey, Barbara Scott

PANEL: "Christian Dating: talk about it, read about it, write about it?"
Janice Robinson, Tia Mccollors

PANEL: Are you ready for submitting?
Cindy Appel, Lindsay Murdock, Deatra King Bey, Lyn Cote

WRITING CLINIC – Critique of writing – Query Letter/1st chapter
Ann Clay, Wayne Jordan, A. C. Artist, Leah Mullin, Barbara Scott, Maxine E. Thompson, Lindsay Murdock, Michelle Monkou, Elenore Shields, Alice Wooten

PANEL: Magazine Writing
Barbara A Custer, Kathryn Lay, LaShaunda C. Hoffman

Day Three – October 25, 2005 --Reader’s Day

PANEL: Men In Fiction
Wayne Jordan, J.J. Murray, Varian Johnson, R. Barri Flowers, Vincent Alexander, Edwardo Jackson

PANEL: Hair and Beauty Tips for Today's Woman
Cheryl Talley Moss, Tia Williams

PANEL: Online Book Clubs
LaShaunda C. Hoffman - SORMAG Book Club, Marina Woods-Good Girls Book Club, Tee C. Royal-RAW Sistaz Book Club, Tara Green-The Romance BookClub

PANEL: Reader Sites
Wayne Jordan - Color of Romance, Cydney Rax - Book Remarks, LaShaunda C. Hoffman - Shades Of Romance

PANEL: "Christian Dating: talk about it, read about it, write about it?"Janice Robinson, Tia Mccollors

Day Four – October 26, 2005 --Advance Writers


DISCUSSION: Writer's Associations: How to choose the one right for you.

WORKSHOP: Confession Writing - Pat Byrdsong

PANEL: Meet The Editor
Stacy Boyd - Harlequin, Krista Stroever - Steeple Hill, Karen Thomas - Dafina Books, Monica Harris – Dorchester Books, Charlene Keel - Tantalizing Tales, Noemi Rivera - Ocean's Mist Press

PANEL: Editing
Deatri King Bey, Dyanne Davis, Dr. Bob Rich, Lindsay Murdock, Lyn Cote

PANEL: Hot Genres
Michelle Buckley, Eduardo Jackson – Chick Lit
G. Miki Hayden, Diane Dorce - Mystery
Monica Jackson - Paranormal
Celise Downs - Young Adult
Sandra E. Harris – Urban Fiction
Bevery Jenkins – Romantic Suspense
Celine Chatillon - Erotica

Day Five – October 27, 2005--Self Publishing

DISCUSSION: E Books-the pros, the cons, the successes

PANEL: POD vs Subsidy Vs True Self publishing
Shelia M. Goss, Celise Downs , Vanessa Davis Griggs, Cheril N. Clarke, Gena Garrison, Teressa Leath, Anisa Damien

DISCUSSION Teaching writing in your community-the pros, the cons, and how to
get started

DISCUSSION: Organizing and leading productive writer's groups

PANEL: PR Pizzaz
Michelle Buckley, LaShaunda Hoffman, Belinda Williams, Pam Perry, Dee Stewart

PANEL: Writing Non-Fiction - Dr Bob Rich, Barbara Joe Williams

WORKSHOP - The A, B, Cs of Plotting
Michelle Monkou

Day Six – October 28, 2005 --The Business Of Writing

PANEL: I got the call now what?
Shirley Hailstock, Sophfronia Scott, Lyn Cote

PANEL: Working With an Agent
Bettye Griffin, Sophfronia Scott, Dara Girard, Vivian Beck, Lyn Cote, Sha-Shana Crichton

PANEL: Tips to stay disciplined
Stacy Hawkins Adams, Sophfronia Scott, Electa Rome Parks, Michelle Monkou, Lori Soard

Day Seven – October 29, 2005 -- Promotion

PANEL: Internet Marketing For Writers
Sylvia Hubbard, LaShaunda Hoffman, Tanya Bates, Sheila Goss, Vanessa Davis Griggs, Jacqueline Coffey, Lori Soard

PANEL: Magazine Promotion
James Lisbon, AMAG, LaShaunda Hoffman -SORMAG , Shunda Leigh- Booking Matters

WORKSHOP: Marketing – James Lisbon

WORKSHOP: Press Releases - Can you write one yourself? – Shelia M. Goss

PANEL: Is Blogging Good For Writers

Shelia M. Goss, Monica Jackson, Mary Griffith, LaShaunda Hoffman, Brenda Coulter


  1. I'm really looking forward to the conference, LaShaunda. Blogging it is a fabulous idea!

  2. Hi Lori and Dee,

    I'm getting excited. I thought the blogging would be a better concept than the forums, because there will be no backlog of emails.

    One of the things I hate about conferences is they offer all this great workshops on the same day and you can only attend one.

    Online you can go to all of them. YEAH!

    Now I have to wait patiently to the end of the month. UUUGGH!


  3. Hello,

    This is Jacqueline Coffey with BlackBookPromo.com and it's my first time blogging so I thought I'd stop in before hitting the hay. I'm a diet coke lady with a twist of lime along with chips and salsa.

    Look forward to e-meeting everyone.


Thanks for your comment.