Tuesday, August 28, 2007

DISCUSSION: Do you have a site for readers?

Tell us about your site. Leave a link so we can visit.


  1. Andrea Jackson, author of 3 romances and 1 fantasy novelette
    my website is www.pbdiva.com
    I have two blogs.
    Other on line presence
    MySpace http://www.myspace.com/pbdiva
    Yahoo 360 http://360.yahoo.com/pbdivainva

  2. You can visit me at my website, www.bettyegriffin.com; and at my blog, www.chew-the-fat-with-Bettye.blogspot.com. And I hope you do!

    Bettye Griffin

  3. Hello everyone you can read my blog, read an excerpt from my upcoming book, or find out about upcoming contests at my website:


    Also, here is my myspace page. Feel free to add me!:


  4. I have a website for readers where they can read excerpts of my books, sign up for my newsletter and visit the fun stuff page where there are games and book videos.

    The site also has a special section for aspiring authors (because I once was one) with articles and links that I hope will help and encourage. If you're interested please visit at: www.daragirard.com

  5. I have "free reads" all over the place online. ;)

    You can read excerpts of my titles at my respective fiction web sites:

    Celine Chatillon, erotic-romance: http://www.celinechatillon.com
    Cynthianna Appel, contemporary (and coming soon) fantasy romance:

    I also have a couple of My Space pages. The first is my erotic-romance persona's:

    and an excerpt from my upcoming fantasy-comedy-romance, LOVING WHO:

    Be my friend!

    If you email me (links at my web sites) I will also email you a free PDF ebook containing first chapters from my published (and soon to be published) books.

    For more news on my book releases, please feel free to join my newsletter:

    or my erotic releases and excerpt newsletter: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/celinesdreams

    Enjoy! And happy reading...

  6. Here are a list of my blogs where I usually showcase books I'm reading and on occasion authors will stop by and share their commentary or do an interview: www.sheliagoss.wordpress.com or www.espot.wordpress.com.

    To read excerpts of any one of my books, visit my website www.sheliagoss.com.

  7. Hi All,

    Margo Candela here. I have my lovely website which I'm very proud of, www.margocandela.com, and a blog, http://margocandela.blogger.com, that is a a fun distraction to keep up. I practically live on (and through) my website and find updating it is a a nice break from writing. I'm also thinking about posting free short stories on my website and have one in the works.

    LIFE OVER EASY (Kensington/Sep.'07)
    UNDERNEATH IT ALL (Kensington/Jan.'07)

  8. Hello,

    I have chapters excerpts on authorsden which can be reached by going to my website and clicking on it. I have a blog and I'm on myspace and Amazon.com. Actually I have three blogs. Adam Omega has his own website which is under construction and his own diary. His site (my alter ego) gets more hits than I do.LOL Good versus evil and evil won. i also have a cable show, The Art of writing, where I interview writers and give writing tips. In Jul I had L.A. Bank on my show. I am also writing for AMAG.

    I was recently asked by the graphic artist who designed my book covers for Genesis Press to participate in a project with him. I'm looking forward to that.


  9. Hi All! My website is www.shelialipsey.com. Learn all about my novels,literary links and lots more!

  10. Hi it's Fon James, author of Back and Forth, and yes I do have a couple of online spots were readers can find me: www.fonjames.com and www.myspace.com/fonjames
    I also have a blog, but I don't update that site enough (got caught up bloggin on myspace instead)...so until I update my blogspot, I'll hold off on adding that one to the list ;)

    Hit me up...I would love to hear from you. An excerpt from my debut novel can be found on my website! www.fonjames.com

    Fon James

  11. Hi my name is Stormi Johnson and I am a aspiring author and I love doing book reviews so if you would like to come look at my blog feel free its:


  12. My website (www.carleenbrice.com) has excerpts and I blog at The Pajama Gardener (and have one pre-pub contest going on). When my novel comes out in Feb. I'll be hosting more contests and other things for writers.


  13. My website is www.karenobannon.com. There you will find my books. I also blog at www.thesouloflouisville.com. There I talk about the happenings in the city as they affect people of color.


Thanks for your comment.