Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Panel: Meet the Erotica Author

Come inside and meet:

Zane, Celine Chatillon, Andrea Blackstone, Deatri King-Bey, Koko Brown


  1. Hello Everyone,

    I pray you are enjoying the conference thus far.

    Lemme see…a little about myself. I've been writing for around 13 years now. I have four novels published but didn’t jump at the chance to be a published author. Actually, I was forced into finally submitting by my friends and family. I'm one of those rare authors who wasn't in a hurry to become published. Truth be told, I’m sitting on six completed manuscripts now and don’t have any books scheduled to be released. Anywhooo, to the subject at hand. Erotica.

    Whisper Something Sweet is my first erotic novel and was released in May 2007. I’ve heard quite a bit of grumbling in reader groups about the state of Black erotica. Is it porno, is it disrespectful…

    I write sensually erotic—someone who has read Whisper Something Sweet, explain what I’m talking about. This one reader wrote saying there was entirely too much sex in that novel, and it had pornographic scenes in it. She’d read my other novels and thought I’d lost my mind. LOL. I guess she didn’t read the back cover blurb, but anywhooooo…I know my type of erotica is not for everyone, and I’m not offended.

    Just remember that pornography, erotic, hot, sensual…all of that is subjective to the reader. If you love to read hot and heavy scenes, go for it. If not, don’t read it.

    Deatri King-Bey

  2. Good Morning!

    My name is Koko Brown I'm a debut author with Ellora's Cave. I have a paranormal romance entitled Charmed coming out September 21.

    I became hooked on erotic romance last summer. I liked the fact that many of the stories featured characters that didn't necessarily fit the "norm". Some have weight issues, many of them represent a variety of ethnic backgrounds, and they were successful leading great lives without the added presence of the hero.

    So being a fan, I came up with the plot for my own novel. I typed it up and sent it to my favorite publisher - not really thinking I would be published.

    However, a couple of weeks later my soon to be editor wrote me back with things to add/change about my story. I followed her suggestions, resubmitted it and a month later I signed my first publishing contract.

    Koko Brown

  3. Hi, my name is Celine Chatillon and I've been writing erotic-romance/women's fiction for a few years now. I have titles published with Liquid Silver Books, eXtasy Books and Mojocastle Press at the current time.

    I didn't start out writing "hot stuff", but after my first more traditional contemporary romances I was told that "spicy sells". My spicier romance did seem to be a bit more popular... So when a friend mentioned a new erotica magazine looking for stories, I submitted. And sold! After that, it was all downhill, you could say. ;)

    I still write traditional romance stories, but mostly I'm a character driven writer. If the characters in a particular scenario act out a bit more openly in regards to their sexuality--well, I let them!

    The freeing thing about writing erotic fiction is that the euphemisms go out the window. An erotica author can call a "cock a cock" and get away with it--in fact, it is expected to not beat around (her) bush when it comes to describing lovemaking.

    But, admittedly, erotic fiction isn't for everyone. And I've been "accused" by one erotic reviewer of having "way too much plot and characterization" within my "porn" novels. Uh, yeah, right! ;)

    I have to disagree with those who call my particular style of erotic-romance "porn" as it is 1) Not a visual image but is a piece of literary work and 2) I never have my characters engage in "gratuitous sex" for the sake of filling up the pages. All love scenes have to either further the plot or reveal character and preferably both. Period.

    So, sue me for all that "plot and characterization" but good writing will always be good writing, whether you like your love scenes described in a more graphic fashion or not.

    The best of luck in all YOUR writing endeavors...


  4. Good morning everyone,

    Welcome to our panel, thanks for taking time out of your day to answer questions.

    Here's mine.

    What’s something you wish you’d known earlier that might have saved you some time/frustration in the publishing business?

  5. Deatri, I don't see erotica books as porn. Maybe there are some that are, but the ones I've read such as yours aren't porn. I love all of your books and readers who pick them up know they will get a good story.

  6. I read erotica when I was younger – Anis/Anis (I think that’s how its spelled) Short stories about relationships and sex.

    I received a few books for review that say they are erotica. A few of them were just about sex. Some I would just call urban fiction with some sex.

    So can someone give me the definition of erotica and romance erotica?

    What classify them in this category?

  7. How do you write your story, on the computer, long hand, talk in a tape recorder?

  8. In my opinion, erotic romance differs from the more classical sense of traditional erotica i.e. Anis/Anis is that its more plot driven and there is usually always a happy ending. The same boy meets girl or in some cases boy meets boy formula still applies in erotic romance, the vocabulary which is used is just steamier.

    Hope this helps!

    Koko Brown
    CHARMED coming September 21!

  9. Requests for blurbs, I get asked this a lot. I don’t mind for fellow writer friends, but I get a lot from people I don’t know and they want me to blurb a book I’ve never read. If I’m going to attach my name to a blurb, I want to read the book. How do you handle requests for blurbs or referrals?

  10. Deatri,

    It amazes me to say the least that someone would write you to say that they thought you'd lost your mind. I'm waiting for the letters that will tell me I'm going to hell for writing about vampires.

    It's really nice when readers like what you write. But when they tell you what you can and can't write it just makes you laugh. Believe me I was told I couldn't write vampire novels.


  11. Question how are you all having your pictures by your name?

  12. Dyanne,

    In your blogger profile you can add a picture.

  13. What was your best fan letter and your worst?

  14. I write 80% of the story on my laptop. The other 20% is done on a legal notepad when I'm unable to boot up or when I just start a story. I find this way less intimidating than staring at a blank computer screen.

    Koko Brown

  15. Is there a line that can be delineated between erotica and pornography? If so, please explain.


  16. Koko Brown,

    How do you come up with your ideas for you books? I can't wait to read yours from Ellora's Cave. Do you find that there is a large number of African American authors writing erotic romance?


  17. There is a thin subjective line, which can be drawn between pornography and erotica.

    Of course by the general audience, both are mediums that arouse and sexually stimulate. But erotic romance is stimulating fiction that serves to gradually arouse the reader, giving them the feeling of almost being there. And the sex is not the begin all and end all of the story.

    While pornography, on the other hand is hard core and in your face. There is no plot, no conflict, no resolution. Just wham-bam thank you ma'am and I'm gone.

    That is why pornography is sold in a sealed shrink wrapper behind a counter at 7-Eleven and not at your local bookstore:)

    Koko Brown

  18. Ahirah,

    In a nutshell, I'm a huge daydreamer always have been. So many of my ideas come from my own dreams/fantasies. But ironically, many are derived from just reading a history book or searching an encyclopedia! I love wikipedia!

    P.S. Thank you for the compliment!

    Koko Brown

  19. Question for Celine Chatillon or anyone that can reply.

    I also have been writing erotica for a few years. I am an unpublished writer. I also write erotic poetry. Do you or anyone else know if their are any magazines or publishers looking for erotic poetry.

    V. Smith

  20. Just popping in to say hi to you all. My current project is to practice writing and learn more about writing erotica so that I can get better at it. I'd like to ask a question: I see many different definitions of erotic romance/erotica/porn here, but after reading works in all these categories, I feel erotic romance is just another sub-genre for romance that has recently broken out on its own. There has always been hot writing, but only recently has the work been separated by a different label. What do you all think?

  21. Hello Everyone,

    I wasn’t ignoring you today, I’m just getting home. Anywhooooo, I hope I answer everyone and if I miss something, please doooo feel free to email me at deatri@deewrites.com .

    LaShaunda asked: What’s something you wish you’d known earlier that might have saved you some time/frustration in the publishing business?

    I’ve worked in the publishing industry for years. I started out as an editor at Third World Press and moved around, so this doesn’t really apply to me. BUT I do want to let the newcomers out there know that the WORK part comes a few months before your book is published. Writing that novel is FUN (at least for me), but once it’s published, most of the marketing is up to the author. Even at traditional publishing houses. Think of it like this. It’s the publishing house’s job to get your book into the stores and yours to get the bookstore customers to purchase it.

    LaShaunda asked: So can someone give me the definition of erotica and romance erotica?

    Romance erotica follows the general rules of romance. Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy and girl make up, boy and girl have a happily ever after, but the HEAT is turned to PAST HIGH. Depending on what publishing house you are writing for, the hero and heroine are given more leeway than in a Traditional romance.

    LaShaunda asked: How do you handle requests for blurbs or referrals?

    I decide if I have time to read the novel. If I do, I then will give a back cover blurb IF I like the book.

    LaShaunda asked: What was your best fan letter and your worst?

    My worst was the woman who said Whisper Something Sweet was porno.
    My best was the woman who said Whisper Something Sweet helped convince her to leave her abusive relationship.

    LaShaunda: How do you write your story, on the computer, long hand, talk in a tape recorder?

    I do a combination recorder/computer thing. Dialogue flows better for me when using a recorder. When I’m driving I LOVE the recorder. I never know when the feeling will hit me.

    Sheila—I don’t see erotica as porn either, but it’s subjective. There are people out there that even think romance is female porn.

    Dyanne—My hot little feelings were hurt for about two seconds. I don’t consider my writing pornographic. And even if it were, I write what I write. Read the back blurb and decide if you want to read it or not.

    Dyanne asked: Question how are you all having your pictures by your name?

    When you log into your blogger account you will need to update your profile and upload a picture.

    Bob asked: Is there a line that can be delineated between erotica and pornography?

    Nope. It’s one of those “I know it when I see it” things. Very subjective.

    V Smith Asked: Do you or anyone else know if their are any magazines or publishers looking for erotic poetry.

    Look in the Poetry Writers Market.

    Whew, I think I got them all. Thanks for waiting up for me.



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