Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Feels Like Falling
by Michelle McGriff

Urban Soul
ISBN: 1599830094

Sebastian York is a successful African American plastic surgeon, who until now, handled his world the same way a master puppeteer might. But everything changes when he is diagnosed with a devastating disease and finds himself dangling at the end of the rope. With little hope for a future, he must suddenly compile his life's list of things to do and execute the list expeditiously. He starts looking at the basic things that need tending: his wife, his daughter, and his career, however, there is one thing in his past that, until now, he hadn't even realized needed resolving.

Feels Like Falling is a layered story of a family thrown from their tower of security into the throes of the five stages of grief. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and then, finally, Acceptance.

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