Saturday, June 14, 2008

In Memory Of - Tim Russert

Yesterday we lost a great journalist. I was totally shocked to hear of his death. I admired him as a newsman and learned a lot about politics from his show, Meet The Press. I once saw him on Book TV, where I learned he was also an author. Listening to him talk, I found a humble man who loved his family.

While listening to the tributes about him last night, I found out he was also an interesting man, who many admired. He will truly be missed and Sunday mornings will never be the same.

My deepest sympathy to his family, friends and fans.


  1. As a "Buffalo Girl" Tim was my "homeboy" we were contemporaries and I have taken his passing very personally. What will this most historic of elections be like without hiss insight

  2. Virginia,

    I didn't know Tim personally, but I felt like I lost a friend. My husband and I were really sadden to hear of his passing. The election will feel weird without him.

    I know he drew me into politics because of his show. I admired his interview technique. He wasn't harsh, but he didn't let you get off. He got his questions answered.


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