Tuesday, June 10, 2008

PURPOSELY SAID - Dr. Linda F. Beed

EDITOR NOTE: I'd like to introduce a new member of the SORMAG family, Dr. Linda F. Beed. I asked Dr. Linda to share some of her wisdom with us. On the second Tuesday of the month, please stop by and enjoy her knowledge.

The Independent Author
By Dr. Linda F. Beed

Hello everyone. I am so happy to be a part of the Sormag family. The premise of Purposely Said is to speak on and discuss a wide range of subjects.

Today, I choose to speak on the option of Independent Publishing.

Of late there has been much discussion regarding the pros and cons of independent publishing. At one time being in that category carried a stigma that relegated you and your work to the lower rung of the literary ladder.

Time does change things. The evolution of publishing processes as well as access to literary consultants (editors, graphic artists) for individuals has narrowed the chasm that once separated pipedreams from reality. Of late there have been a number of mainstream authors, for a variety of reasons, who are seeking to return to and/or select independent publishing as a viable option for their works.

There are those who will debate the validity of the option. My opinion on the subject is that independent publishing is gaining respect among its mainstream relatives. It is no longer the only alternative for those whose manuscripts were not accepted by an established publisher.

Even with its momentum progressing at a measurable speed, it must be understood that choosing the road of independence is not a sprint, a race with a finish line to be crossed at lightning speed. Independent publishing, like its traditional sibling is a process that requires education, skill and endurance.

During the process that brought me to publication, I found myself seeking advice from many of our esteemed literary professionals. What they knew about the industry they candidly shared. One piece of advice consistently given was, “Study, read and take the time to do it right.”

Doing it right is not limited to the writing of the story. The parameters reach out to encompass everything from conception of the story to promoting the final product. This requires having a Business Plan. As Napoleon Hill once said, “Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.”

What plan have you written out for your vision?

You say you want to publish a book. That is fine, but there comes a time when you have to do more than talk about it. You have to do it. Beyond writing, what is your plan for publication?

Do you:

Have a marketing plan?

Understand the process of the publishing industry (traditional and independent)?

How will you fund the enterprise?

What is your writing skill level?

If it is not adequate what will you do to improve it?

Do you have a literary mentor?

Are you part of a writing community?

The aforementioned items are by no means a complete ‘to-do’ list for your enterprise. They are, however, items that should be at the top of your master plan. Note that it is not enough to just have the list. You must effectively follow through.

What I share with you in today’s blog is what I have learned via wisdom from others, research as well as trial and error. I do not proclaim to know it all, but what I possess I gladly share with you.

Until next time, remember – Purposely Said words can destroy or build a life. Linda!

Dr. Linda Beed is an educator, speaker, Children’s minister
and author of
Business Unusual and
Editor for KDgospelMedia Magazine
You can find her on the web at:
www.lindabeed.com / On Assignment Reviews/ R U Living On Purpose

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