Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What's On The Net - Agent Hunting

As a writer unless you’re publishing your own works, you eventually have to find an agent. I will admit it’s not an easy job. However if you write a good book, hopefully someone else will recognize and represent you. I’m currently on this path, and welcome any comments as you join me. Below are few links to get you started.

I highly recommend finding all the information you need when you’re on your search. You want someone who will represent you and your book well.

Good luck in your search.

Check out the agent before you contact


Directory of Literary Agents


Booktalk Agent List


Guide to Literary Agents


Literary Agents Who Represent Christian Authors



  1. Good list LaShaunda and I wish you luck finding one. Another good way is by attending writer's conferences. They often have agents in attendence and you can pitch on site.

  2. Thanks Rhonda,

    Meeting agents at a conference is a good way to by pass the submitting part of agent hunting. Your pitch is the submission. They usually tell you right there if its something they want to represent or not.

    Also if you don't have anything to pitch, introduce yourself so when you do, you can say we met at the conference. A good way to start your query.


Thanks for your comment.