Monday, August 18, 2008

FEATURED AUTHOR: Pamela Leigh Starr

Pamela Leigh Starr, a wife and mother of three, works to aid teachers in creating readers, and hopefully future fans, as a National Staff Trainer and Consultant for an educational publishing company. Ms. Starr traces the budding of her love for writing back to her very first creation, entitled The Terrifying Night, a comedic thriller illustrated by a fellow seventh-grade classmate. Long after, Ms. Starr began to develop love stories that were thrilling and romantic. She has fallen in love with presenting the never-ending cycle of two people meeting, opening their hearts and finding their way to love.


Fate, Chances, Misconceptions, and Ironic, titled the Love Found Series, introduces the Lewis’s, a strong, black, southern family in Pre-Katrina New Orleans. My newest novel, STORM, takes place in Post-Katrina New Orleans. Experience the aftermath of the worst natural disaster to hit the Gulf Coast through the eyes of the Lewis’s as Sabrina Adams and John Lewis find and preserve love in the midst of devastation.

What would you like your readers to take away from your book?

I would like readers to gain a deeper understanding of the effects of Hurricane Katrina. Though television allowed the world to witness the aftermath of the storm, the slow rescue and complete devastation of the city I love, I wanted to share a more personal insight of the effects of Hurricane Katrina.

Through STORM, I was able to show the Post-Katrina effects on a family my readers have come to know and love. In my 4-book LOVE FOUND series, the Lewis clan gives a Pre-Katrina view of a black, southern family in New Orleans. STORM shows how this strong family came together to overcome the challenges Hurricane Katrina created in their lives as well as the discovery of a love despite them.

What did you learn while writing this book?

I learned that in times of need the best of human nature comes out. While experiencing the impact of Hurricane Katrina in my life and the lives of my family, friends and sometimes perfect strangers, there was always a story of people giving and sharing their time, money and talents for the benefit of those who lost so much. As STORM developed I would reflected on all the helpful organizations, especially the Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity and the many church organizations still coming in to help those who have not been so lucky with insurance companies and the state Road Home Program. So, what did I learn? I learned that people are wonderful and giving.

What is the hardest part about the writing business?

For me, the hardest part about the writing business is getting the word out about my novels. Time is always a factor. Being a wife, mother and teacher has always been first in my world. Finding the time to write the stories swirling around in my head has always been a challenge, so imagine the challenges I face in going that next step to tell the world about my books. I have vowed to let the world know that my books exist! Thanks, LaShaunda, for giving me the opportunity to advertise and be interviewed on Sormag.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

A writers heart and soul goes into any creation they have developed.

What marketing have you found that particularly works well for you?

I’ve mostly done book signings and have had a website for a while which is being redeveloped. I’ve heard from a reliable source (LaShaunda) that the internet is a great place to get the word out. So, here I am!

What are three things you wish you'd known before you reached where you are now?

• More about promotion
• More about the legal side of writing
• How to find an agent

This month our theme is Getting Out Of The Slush Pile. Do you have any advice for getting an editor/agent to request your manuscript?

The best advice I can give is for you not to give up. A rejection can be a subjective thing. What one editor/agent believes won’t sell, another may have a different opinion. My first novel FATE was rejected twice and Misconceptions and Mission were both rejected by my publishing company before a different editor came on board and was picked up by the same publishing company. As I tell my kids, “Never give up!”

What was the last conference you attended and what did you like about it?

I attended Romance Slam 2008 and had a ball! I loved meeting other readers and authors. I am not only a romance writer I am a romance reader, so it was great to see so many of my favorite authors and to meet so many readers.

What do you do to make time for yourself?

Now that my kids are older they sleep later than me so waking up before the house gets busy is how I make time for myself to write. Time for myself to have fun? That’s something I have to steal whenever I can.

What was the last book to keep you up at night reading it?

Jewel by Beverly Jenkins
It was amazing!

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

• Email:
• Website:

Make a comment for a chance to Win a copy of this book.

You're invited to Pam's Virtual Book Release Party - August 31. We will be announcing the time and where later this week.


  1. Pamela,

    Thank you so much for this interview and for listening to me :)

    I wish you many blessings with your writing career.

  2. Living in South Florida, I have seen many hurricanes, but none have left the horror of Katrina. I feel that this book is one I could easily connect to. Thank you for the opportunity of getting it.

  3. Pamela,

    This is a great interview. I'm looking forward to reading Storm. I lived in New Orleans East prior to Hurricane Katrina. Vicki and Michelle were my neighbors. I live in Nevada now. I wish you much success and happiness.

    Rekaya Gibson, Author
    The Food Temptress


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