Friday, November 14, 2008


Elaine Overton currently resides in the Detroit area with her son. She attended a local business college before entering the military, and serving in the Gulf War.

She is an administrative assistant, currently working for an automotive industry supplier and is an active member of Romance Writers of America.

Seducing the Matchmaker

As the owner of Love Unlimited, a matchmaking firm, Noelle Brown has an enviable track record. When world-renowned and drop-dead gorgeous architect Derrick Brandt graces her doorway, she's incredibly pleased. Hooking him up will raise her agency's profile and give it an incredible public-relations boost. But after a few moments of conversation with the arrogant Derrick, Noelle understands why the tabloids have labeled him the most ineligible bachelor in the city.

Derrick needs to find himself a wife—a woman who understands his demanding career. He's stunned to find himself captivated by the sexy siren Noelle. As the sparks of passion heat up between them, they both wonder if their relationship is indeed the perfect match.…

What would you like your readers to take away from your book?

That sometimes what you want and what you need are not the same thing.

What did you learn while writing this book?

Actually, it was more a reaffirmation of something I already believed. That the essence of love that is reflected in romance novels is that idea of hope and possibility. That persistent belief in happy-ever-after even in a world that gives us so few. It’s why I love writing romance, and probably always will.

What is the hardest part about the writing business?

Rejection. Writers are artistic spirits, and we can be as sensitive and temperamental as any painter or musician. So, receiving that little form letter hurts, but that is why you have to believe in yourself, because its’ so easy to lose faith.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

That’s its actual work! I’ve encountered so many people who seem to think you just sit down, write a book, and ta-da! You’re suddenly rich and famous! As you know, that couldn’t be further from the truth. There’s research and editing, and lots and lots of drafts before you actually get something workable, and then even if you get it published, it takes years to build a career.

Our theme this month is Time Management. How do you do to manage your writing time?

Before I started writing, I was probably the most undisciplined, unorganized person I know, and I still am in some ways - lol. But, I figured out pretty quick that if I wanted to succeed, I needed to get my act together. So, I started creating an outline for each book, and with each book the outline got more and more detailed. As a result, I can sit down and pretty much know what I want to accomplish – instead of just sitting staring at a blank screen. As a single mother, I’ve found the pre-dawn hours are best for me. I wake up fresh while my son is still sleep, put on a pot of coffee and write from 4-6am – when you know what you want to write you can get a lot done in 2 hours. Then in the evening, I can give my son my full attention.

What are three things you wish you'd known before you reached where you are now?

1.) Stress serves no purpose.

2.) Defend your work. Editors are not so closed minded they can’t accept an opinion different from theirs.

3.) There needs to be a conscious choice of what you want to get out of your writing career. Is it just a part-time hobby – or do you want to write full time? Then set your goals according to what you want to achieve. Don’t just wander along, and hope it all works out – like I did.

Was there ever a time in your writing career you thought of quitting?

Yes, of course. I think we all go through that – usually right after the first time you get rejected. But, for most of us writing is an addiction. You couldn’t stop if you wanted to. And if you do, you feel like something is missing.

Do you have any advice for the aspiring writer?

Yes, as cliché as it may sound you HAVE to continually believe in your own talent and be true to your own voice. Do not spend time worrying about what other writers are doing, you are unique, your writing style is unique to you. So, STOP TRYING TO WRITE JUST LIKE SUCH-IN-SUCH. Be you!

What are you thankful for this year?

Every moment of every day. God is awesome, and He is revealed in so many little ways we take for granted.

Five questions about books:

I’m pretty much a romance novel junkie, and although I write contemporary, I have a definite preference for historicals. So, keep in mind these are just the first ones that come to mind, although there are too many to name.

One book you’ve read more than once.

Topaz by Beverly Jenkins

One book you couldn’t put down until you finished.

Comfort of a Man by Adrianne Byrd.

One book that made you laugh.

A Kiss to Remember by Teresa Medeiros

One book that made you cry.

The Conqueror by Judith French

One book you wish you'd written.

Honestly, I can’t think of any particular book that I wish I’d written. Although, there are many, many I’ve enjoyed reading.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website):

You can reach me at / email: – I love reader email!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you when you say that it is so hard to get rejection (especially by a publisher). Yep I was recently rejected! Fortunately there is a site that another author, Mary Patrick has put together, where writers like me can bury their rejected Novels...www.mydreamisdeadbutimnot. This site is hilarious and has really lifted my spirits!


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