Words to Write By
By Robin Bayne
“Words to Write By"
Each day I receive devotional writings by e-mail, and read them on desk and wall calendars. I often wonder how to apply that day’s “lesson” to my writing, and how to share my own favorite verses with other writers.
Many writers keep a favorite quote or Bible verse taped to their computer monitors, or as part of their e-mail signature or website theme. Why do they do this? For the inspiration, they might tell you. As a constant reminder of a principle or value which aids their writing production or their sanity.
The words can serve as task-master, guidance counselor or just plain comforter.
I find this practice fascinating, and have many quotes and verses tucked under the laminated covering on my desk. Each one reflects a bit of my personality and beliefs, as do every writer’s choice selections. I have asked some of the best writers in the business to share their inspiration with us, their favorite words of wisdom, and explain why they find them so special.
So take a moment and enjoy the collection, see how many of them also speak to you. Make a copy and tape one to your own monitor, or even better, be inspired to find your own special quote or verse.
Thanks for having me on your site! Merry Christmas everyone : )