Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Family Literacy

This month’s theme is Family Literacy.

I chose this theme as our annual theme for January because reading is near and dear to my heart. I like the idea of starting something new in the new year. I always try to pick a new genre to try each year.

It breaks my heart when I hear someone say they don’t read. My love of books started as a child because I saw my family members reading and I wanted to read too. I believe you can start the love of books at home. If your children see you read, they will want to read. When a child says they hate to read, I tell them its because they haven’t found the book genre they like. I try to find one that will draw their interest.

You don’t need special skills to share the joy of reading. Stop by the National Center for Family literacy site for more info on family literature.


Here are five tips I use at home to encourage reading.

A trip to the library.

Visit the hometown of a favorite author

Listen to a book on tape while taking a road trip

Read a book to your child each night

Have your child read a book to you.

What do you do to encourage reading in your family?

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