Wednesday, July 29, 2009
FEATURED AUTHOR: Dr. Thomas Lindley
Dr. Lindley is a Scientist and a Technical Consultant for NASA and commercial companies. He has a doctorate in mathematics, masters in engineering and certification in computer technology. He has been engaged in astrophysics, cosmology and aerospace design/engineering. He has applied these disciplines to Space Systems, Human Factors, Quality Assurance, and Artificial Intelligence. He is writing about his research toward the purely scientific proof that the entity, described as God, in the Holy Bible, the Qur’an, and the Tanakh, must exist. He has lectured on Cosmology, Statistics, and Supercomputers. He is a member of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL), The National Space Society (NSS), and The Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
He has extensive experience and professional relationships in the physics, engineering, and logic communities.
Eternal Origin: Observation’s Solution to the Riddle of Existence
Something must always exist, or there must have been a time when nothing existed. If there was a time when nothing existed, it follows that what now is, has come into existence from nothing.
Eternal Origin: Observation’s Solution to the Riddle of Existence, shows how observation gives the answer. Observation is the result of experience, the information from senses, mental reasoning, and the reminders from memory.
Through science, we define time, existence and reality such that they conform to normal experience. We then combine all of this through cosmogony, (the study of the origin of the Universe), mathematics (the way numbers behave), and reasoning (the way the human mind comes to conclusions).
The book proves that at one time, the universe was a collapsed object that could not expand. There was no material Universe before that. In determining how it came into existence, we look at the impact of gravity. Gravity should have prevented the Universe from coming into existence.
Yet, we’re here.
Eternal Origin examines the consequences that must exist if something-from-nothing could ever occur. For numbers, this condition necessitates that every number be equal to zero. For mental reasoning, it forces everything to be equal to nothing.
Would you like to giveaway a copy of your book? (if so, I’ll send you the winner’s name and address later)
What would you like readers to take away from your book?
The ability to duplicate the proof that something having the attributes the bible gives to God, must exist
Why did you choose to write this book?
In my work as a scientist, the world of mathematics and astrophysics kept telling me that the universe did not always exist, yet there must be something that does always exist. Once I put the information together, I wanted everyone to know.
What did you learn while writing this book?
I learned much about the universe itself, the elements that surrounded its coming into existence, and the procedures by which humans determine what must be true.
What was your favorite scene/chapter from the book?
Chapter 5, Opposites Are Never the Same. This chapter contains the basis of human reasoning, that opposites cannot have the same description so can never be the same. So, something and nothing cannot be the same. You and Not-You cannot be the same. Zero and any other number cannot be the same.
What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
Writing is boring, dry, and shallow unless the writer puts the reader in the position of being the recipient of the action. The reader must care. Caring is subjective. If the writing is objective, the reader is forced to be an objective observer, instead of a subjective participant.
What is the best lesson you have learned from another writer?
To find out what publishers want to buy, read the kinds of writing you intend to write: magazine articles, short stories, books, based on the. Spend time in bookstores, observing what is being read.
What is the toughest test you've faced as a writer?
This subject, ‘Something must always exist’, is not a subject that technical scientific sources, who say it cannot be proved, will accept. It is difficult to present this type of material to readers while being prevented by the science community and their scientific journals.
What is something readers would be surprised you do?
Continue to learn from the bible even after 45 years of studying it.
What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?
1) The Four Categories of Nonfiction Writing:
2) The Outline Structure of Nonfiction Writing
a. The Beginning
Introduce the subject
b. The Middle
Prove the subject
c. The Ending
Benefit of the subject
3) Sentence to Summarize The Piece of Writing
a)Who did it, or to who did it happen to
b) What Happened
c) When did it happen
d) Where did It happen
e) Why did it happen
How do you reach new readers?
I look for locations that would be frequented by those I believe to be my audience. These locations can be virtual (websites, blogs, chat rooms, etc.) or material (conventions, appearances, book fairs, etc.)
If you could have dinner with 3 authors to talk with about their writing (living or deceased) who would you invite and why?
(1) Margaret Atwood
She writes about the impact of conditions just out of balance to what we usually experience to cause us to reason about our behavior. (Example: A Handmaid’s Tale)
(2) James Baldwin
He never gave up. His writing continued to present our ‘not-yet-equal’ resistance against the ‘you can’t win if we don’t let you play’ circumstance through different stories and characters. (Example: Giovanni’s Room)
(3) Ray Bradbury
He has a way of speaking in metaphors that convey understanding in pictures. He can present the way humans feel, their motivations, and their reactions to life, in very few words. (Example: The Martian Chronicles)
Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?
Don’t use clichés.
Do use auxiliary processes to enhance your writing capability (Use techniques for accessing the right side of the brain.)
How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
Our theme for this month is AGENT HUNTING. Do you have any advice on finding a good agent?
Find an agent that has represented writers that have written items in the same genre and/or theme as your writing. Determine what the agent wants, and their rules. Send a query to them. Keep writing
Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?
My next book: Is Evolution Proved By the Scientific Method?
(The procedures for scientific proof show Evolution cannot be true)
Thanks for writing this book and researching this issue. As a Christian who is a scientist, your efforts are very much appreciated. They prove that belief and reason are not mutally exclusive.