Monday, October 12, 2009


My Husband's Fiancee

Kimberly Rose is a career-driven reality television producer whose career has recently taken a slump. But when she witnesses a mistress confronting her lover and his wife in a crowded shopping mall, she immediately realizes she has the next reality show hit on her hands. Her show, My Husband's Fiancee, is born. Kimberly's personal life isn't as successful as her career. Her past is filled with damaging secrets that still haunt her dreams.When her father's health begins to decline, Kimberly's mother can't understand why she's unaffected by the tragedy. Her mother doesn't know it but Kimberly and her father also share a wicked secret. Luckily, Kimberly's love life is just as she wants it; lust-filled rendezvous with her famous, wealthy "boy toy." When he starts pressuring her for a deeper commitment, she's faced with telling him about her past or hiding it from him and hoping she's never exposed. "My Husband's Fiancee" is the best reality show you will ever read! Tune in to see whether the husband chooses to stay with his wife or marry his mistress and whether Kimberly resolves her past demons and lets love into her life.

Kaira Denee was born in Boston, MA. Both her parents were enlisted in the U.S. Army so she was raised in Germany, Texas, Louisiana, and Virginia before settling in Connecticut where she has lived for the past 14 years.

With great passion and ambition, she self-published her debut novel Take It There in 2005. In 2007 she reached a second major milestone when she signed to Urban Soul Publishing. Her second novel, Sugar's Daddy, was released in January of 2009. Kaira Denee was also a contributing author to the book Bedtime Stories 2, which will be released in December of 2009.

What would you like readers to take away from your book?

My Husband's Fiancee will challenge the thought that you can only truly love one person at a time and that love prevails through age, race, distance and even shady pasts.

Why did you choose to write this book?

My last novel, Sugar's Daddy, dealt with some serious issues including bi-polar disorder. So this time around I wanted to go back to a more lighthearted relationship novel. Love triangles happen more often than we'd like to admit and I thought that would be a relatable topic to cover. So I went to Twitter and tweeted "Is it possible to be in love with two people at once?" I got so many responses that were vehemently "no." So I wanted to challenge that because I don't feel that an emotion like love can be so black and white.

What did you learn while writing this book?

Writing this book I learned more about the psyche of a man by asking my own husband questions about fidelity. I learned that we differed on lots of topics!

What was your favorite scene/chapter from the book?

My favorite scene in the book is when Mikelah (the wife) and Tangie (the fiancee) are put in a predicament where they are forced to lean on one another for survival. This scene is where they finally both see one another as a human being with feelings.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

I can't turn my creativity on and off when I want to. Friends and family will tell me "I'll take the kids so you can get some writing done." And while I take advantage of the babysitting offer, sometimes the juices just don't flow. Some of my most inspirational moments happen at 1:00am when I want nothing more than to just get some sleep!!

What is the best lesson you have learned from another writer?

From Karen E. Quinones Miller I learned that there's always room for more writers because reading a good book just makes a reader want to read another good book.

What is the toughest test you've faced as a writer?

It definitely would be having the discipline to finish a novel while balancing work, kids, maintaining a household and a husband. I've learned to prioritize and be as organized as possible.

What is something readers would be surprised you do?

I think everyone would be surprised to know that I was in the National Guard. I'm such a soft spoken, girlie-girl type that no one can imagine me going through basic training with drill seargeants yelling in my face and everything. But I did and it was one of the best times of my life.

How do you reach new readers?

I utilize social networking a lot! Twitter, Facebook and Myspace have helped me reach a lot of new readers.

If you could have dinner with 3 authors to talk with about their writing (living or deceased) who would you invite and why?

Anais Nin, Sapphire and Terry McMillan because they inspire me to hone my craft to achieve their level of literary accomplishments.

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?

Do finish your manuscript before soliciting agents, publishers or advice from professionals.

Don't be afraid to ask advice of more established authors. It's been my experience that most people are empahtetic to the struggle of going from unknown to being a published author and are happy to share tips and resources.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)




Facebook: Kaira Denee

Our theme for this month is The Business Of Writing. What are three things you wished you’d known earlier that might have saved you some time/frustration in this business?

I think if I'd done research and not been so afraid to ask more advice of fellow others that I wouldn't have self published to get in the door. Although its hard to get into the publishing industry, if you have a good product and know the right people you can get through the door.

Secondly, I learned that you have to keep writing. If you do become well known your fans are going to want to read more from you so you need to be prepared.

Lastly, I don't think you need to be concerned with expensive advertising and marketing materials. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to promote a book so more than anything just keep people talking about you.

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

In December 2009 I'll be featured in the erotic anthology Bedtime Stories 2. My story is called "Purple Kisses." I'm currently writing the sequel to my first novel, "Take it There." For now, it's untitled.

Answer one of these three questions for a chance to win a copy of My Husband's Fiancee.

1. What kind of show is My Husband's Fiancee?
2. Which military service was Kaira in?
3. Name one of the authors Kaira would like to have dinner with.


  1. Hi Kiara,

    Your book sounds interesting. Reality shows are popular right now, I'm dying to find out how the heroine got a couple and mistress to agree to be on the show.

    Thank you for serving our country. I know it's a big commitment and I appreciate your time.

  2. My Husband's Fiance really has my interest piqued. What a wonderful way to showcase reality shows and social media in a book.

    Kiara, my GOD continue to shine his face apon all of your endeavors. I wish you much success!

    Unika Howell-Molden "The Unique Reviewer"

  3. Answers to questions:

    1) A Reality Show
    2) The Army
    3) Terry McMillan


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