Wednesday, January 20, 2010

BLOG TOUR: Do You Wanna Be Made Whole?


Bernard Boulton has written a story about three men who seek to be whole in God through the spiritual leadership of a pastor. This gripping story is titled DO YOU WANNA BE MADE WHOLE? Bernard is the pastor of New Mine Creek Church in southern Virginia. He is married to his wife of eighteen years, Vantoria and they are the parents of their son, Bernard Quincy. Bernard’s hobbies include reading, traveling and supporting his hometown team the Cleveland Cavaliers and Lebron James.

Bernard stops by SORMAG to share his writing journey.

Bernard, tell us about Do You Wanna Be Made Whole?

It is a story about four men who are connected through the church. The main character is James Maxwell, and the other characters are Theo Dexter, Michael Cain and Adam Jones. The former three are best friends and have known each other all of their lives. James Maxwell has been their pastor as well all of their lives and when each of the three face a crisis, Pastor Maxwell is the one who will lead them to wholeness.

How did you come up with ideas for this book?

When I finally came to the realization that it was time for me to write and stop dreaming about writing I didn’t have a clear plot and storyline to follow. I knew that it would be a book about men and I visualized three men living together in a house. As I wrote, the ideas came forth.

Who are your main character(s)?

Pastor Maxwell is the main character. The supporting cast is Theo, Michael and Adam.

Did you have a favorite character(s)? Who and why?

I didn’t have a favorite, but Theo’s point of view and his struggles makes him the most interesting to me. Throughout the story Theo struggled with doing the right thing, not just for him, but for his family. He grew through his struggle and at the end he did the right thing and took responsibility for the past and future.

Did you have to do quite a bit of research for this novel?

No, the only time I did research is when I was introducing a concept in the story that I didn’t know anything about it.

What do you hope readers will learn/discover from reading Do You Wanna Be Made Whole?

I hope that the readers will learn the value of relationships and how important community is when you are dealing with struggles. I also hope that they will discover the truth that God does have another chance for you. When life builds a wall before you, God will give you the strength to leap over that wall.

Okay, a not-so-fun question. How important are reviews to you as a writer?

They are very important because another person’s opinion of my writing will introduce me to others who may not have given my story a chance. A good review seems to open doors for authors in the population of readership.

About the Book

Pastor James Maxwell knows the pain of making poor choices that damages families. He has dedicated his life to helping men avoid the mistakes that he has made in his life. Now he walks through the valley with three of his spiritual sons as they try to find their way to wholeness.

Will Pastor Maxwell be able to help Theo find forgiveness for the one who betrayed him? Can he help Michael who suffered a great tragedy in his life? Will he be able to help Adam face his past and discover a new future?

Read an excerpt and check the tour schedule at

For more information, visit


  1. Thank you Lashaunda for hosting me today. I love your site and always enjoy visitng and reading about authors. Keep up the great work.

  2. Thank you for introducing SORMAG readers to "Do You Wanna Be Made Whole?" by Bernard Boulton today.

  3. Bernard,

    Thank you for stopping by today. I wish you much success with your book.

  4. There are not many novels that dig deep into the problems AND solutions that Black Men face. Do You Wanna Be Made Whole? is the perfect question, and it's corresponding book should not only open eyes, but also minds.

    Wonderful interview Bernard and LaShaunda. Great connection Ty.


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