Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Transformation Blog Tour with Lori McKenney

Tell us about yourself?

My name is Pastor Lori McKenney I’m a Prophetess, Preacher, Teacher, Praise Dancer, and Prayer Warrior. I’m a very passionate person when it comes to the people of God. I love to encourage people through the Word of God by reaching out to the destitute, the forgotten, and those looked over by society. I have three wonderful children Lakeithea, Sabrina, and Keith Jr. My husband name is Paul and my grandson Amier whom I love dearly. My goal in life is to become a full time Ministry and write several books.

Tell us about, Transformation.

My book Transformation is like a thesaurus, revealing kingdom secrets to establishing a legacy of successful living. I have an amazing testimony of how God can take a person through seasons of tremendous hardship, brokenness, mental pain, and anguish. Then though his ever-flowing blood, bowels of mercy and remarkable love, alter our destiny and set us in heavenly places. Symbolically, I share the four stages of a caterpillar before it’s conversion into a beautiful butterfly and disclose how the heart and mind are connected as the metamorphosis is completed.

When did you begin to realize you liked to write? Was this book your first experience with writing a manuscript?

I always love to write from a child. However I didn’t have the faith I could do it but the desire never when away. Writing helped me to express areas in my life that was diffcult and God give me the wisdom on how to overcome. It allow me to touch on what most people feel passionate about but don’t know how to express what has occurred in their life.

Sometimes we receive revelation through our writing. Was this your experience?

Yes, I can only write when the power of God comes upon me. Transformation was birth out of revelation from God.

What do you hope readers will learn/discover from reading transformation?

That the metamorphosis is a part of the God plan for our life. Your attitude determines your success. I want my reader to understand this book is about freedom---a book about deliverance---this book will help empower your goals in life.

Where can readers order your book online?

Transformation can be found at most online bookstores and My website is

About the Book

Many believers have a hard time accepting transformation is a part of God's plan for their lives. Changes happen every day. We accept address changes, income changes, management changes, and we even agree that our physical appearance changes, but we do not embrace that God wants to change our sinful nature to that of a Holy people. Change is something we all need; however, few are willing to make the change from mediocre to greatness.

Prophetess Lori McKenney shares about the four stages a caterpillar must achieve before it transforms into a beautiful butterfly. In correlation, she imparts how the heart and mind is connected to the complete metamorphosis process. The powerful scriptures and motivational quotes found in "Transformation" also reveal the treasures of how God wants you to have a successful life. A must have for your personal library and chat groups. "Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass."(Psalm 37:5)

Listen to an excerpt from Pastor McKenney

View the blog tour schedule and read an excerpt at

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