Monday, April 19, 2010


Seressia has always been a voracious reader, cutting her teeth on comics, cereal boxes–anything at hand. So it came as no surprise to family and teachers when she began creating stories featuring some of her favorite characters. One of her earlier works included the autobiography of a piece of bubble gum, and a short Halloween story was turned into a PTA play in elementary school.

Her proudest writing moment remains winning the first Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday “Living the Dream” essay contest as a high school senior and getting to meet Coretta Scott King. Since then, she’s channeled her belief in the power of the written word by creating rich, emotional stories of diverse people coming together to achieve the universal goals of love and acceptance.

When not working on her next story, Seressia is an instructional designer for an international home improvement company. She spends her free time people-watching, belly dancing, and watching way too much anime.

How did you start out your writing career?

I started out by being a reader, reading everything I could get my hands on when I was a kid. When I ran out of reading material, I started to write. I wrote off and on during school until I wrote an essay for the first MLK celebrations in Atlanta. That essay won first place and made me realize that I could evoke a response from people by the way I put words together. I decided then and there to become a writer. The dream was deferred until I was thirty, but it's all good now!

What was your most difficult scene to write?

Hhm, I always find the end scenes to be the most difficult to write. In all of my stories, the endings have been the hardest.

Have you had a "Wow" moment since you have been an author? What made it a "Wow" moment for you?

Wow moments still happen. The "wow" of getting a contract, fan mail, a hug from a reader who was touched by my book. Writing is a solitary endeavor for the most part, and it's always a surprise when there is someone out there interested in my work.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

I wanted it to be a breakout book, a book that would have readers of all races and persuasions and genders.

What’s playing on your CD while you’re writing?

Most of the time, I have Discovery or History Channel on in the background. When I do listen to music, it's instrumental--either soundtracks to movies like King Arthur or the 13th Warrior or "New Age" music like African drums.

If you had the opportunity to talk with three writers, who would you choose and why?

Hhm, I'v never really thought about it, but if I could, I'd talk to (in no particular order) Stephen King, Octavia Butler, and WEB DuBois. Each of them are inspiring in different ways. Stephen King never gave up, despite the hundreds of rejections he got before his first sale. Octavia Butler wrote in a genre that wasn't very receptive to women or blacks for the longest time. And WEB DuBois's writings inspired a people and a nation.

What movie had the greatest impact on you as a kid? Why?

I loved all of the Godzilla movies. Bruce Lee movies too! They just captured my imagination and wouldn't let go.

If you could be on a Reality TV show, which one would it be and why?

I don't watch the competition reality shows, but if I could be on Ghost Hunters I'd enjoy it! I'm actually thinking about going on a couple of investigations here in Atlanta later this year.

If you could visit any place in the world where would you travel to?

I've watched Planet earth on the Discovery Channel. There were some beautiful scenes in that. A tour that revisits some of the locales and wildlife the crew filmed would be wonderful

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

That it really is work as much as it's art. I enjoy it, I love it and I hate it--usually all in the same fifteen minutes!

What was the best advice you’d ever gotten about the publishing industry? The worst?

Best advice? Throw up the story and clean it up later. Also, to remember the ABC's: Apply Butt to Chair.

Worst advice: That paranormals don't sell. Glad I didn't listen to that one!

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?

Do keep writing

Don't think you've learned all you need to--join writing groups, professional organizations. Always be open to learning

What is something readers would be surprised you do?

Belly dance. Then again, maybe not all that surprising, since I do have a belly!

Our theme for this month is GETTING THE CALL. Did you receive the call from the editor? What was the experience like?

Actually, my "call" for SHADOW BLADE was in the form of an email from the editor. We'd been communicating back and forth via email anyway, so it wasn't a surprise. Even better, it kept me from sounding like a blathering idiot on the phone!

It's always a heady experience to make a sale. Again, it's validation, and writers are always in need of validation for their work--whether it's a sale from a publisher or a reader.

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

My next book is called SHADOW CHASE, and it picks up where Shadow Blade ends. Kira takes her mentor's ashes back to London. A fellow Shadowchaser has gone missing, and so has a unique artifact imbued with astonishing magic. Unless the Vessel of Nun is returned, it will cause destruction beyond anything the modern world has seen. Kira’s got a team at her back, including Khefar, a near-immortal Nubian warrior who’s already died for her once. But as complicated as her feelings for him are, they’re nothing compared to the difficulties of the task she faces. And the only way to defeat the enemy is to trust in a power she can barely control, and put her life—and her soul—on the line.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

Readers can follow me on twitter at
and facebook at!/seressia?ref=profile and of course, via my website at


For Kira Solomon, normal was never an option.

Kira’s day job as an antiquities expert, but her true calling is as a Shadowchaser. Trained from youth to be one of the most lethal Chasers in existence, Kira serves the Gilead Commission dispatching the Fallen who sow discord and chaos. Of course, sometimes Gilead bureaucracy is as much a thorn in her side as anything the Fallen can muster against her. Right now, though, she’s got a bigger problem. Someone is turning the city of Atlanta upside-down in search of a four-millennia-old Egyptian dagger that just happens to have fallen into Kira’s hands.

Then there’s Khefar, the dagger’s true owner-a near-immortal 4000-year-old Nubian warrior who, Kira has to admit. looks pretty fine for his age. Joining forces is the only way to keep the weapon safe from the sinister Shadow force, but now Kira is in deep with someone who holds more secrets than she does, the one person who knows just how treacherous this fight is. Because every step closer to destroying the enemy is a step closer to losing herself to Shadow forever. . . .


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  1. Seressia,

    Thank you so much for being our featured author today. I'm loving the covers of your books. I'm looking forward to reading them.

    Much success to you.

  2. Great interview ladies. I became interested in paranormal about two years ago. Seressia, I'm happy you didn't listen. There is really nothing like reading a great paranormal book.


  3. I used to watch Godzilla movies too. I like watching Sci-fi movies.


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