Monday, April 26, 2010


Vickie McDonough is an award-winning inspirational romance author, with 18 novels and novellas published. She was recently voted 3rd Favorite Author in Heartsong Present’s annual readers’ contest, and her book, Outlaw Heart, placed 2nd in the Favorite Historical Romance category. Vickie is currently the treasurer of ACFW(American Christian Fiction Writers) and has written book reviews for nine years. Vickie is a wife of thirty-four years, mother of four grown sons and grandma to a feisty four-year-old girl. When she’s not writing, Vickie enjoys reading, gardening, watching movies, and traveling. To learn more about Vickie’s books, visit her website:

How did you start out your writing career?

I never actually planned to be a writer. If someone had suggested that, I would have thought they were crazy. I was a math kid in school and didn’t care for English classes and writing, however, I’ve always been an avid reader. One day I got a story idea running through my mind and it wouldn’t go away. It was interfering with my sleep big time, so I decided to write it down hoping it would go away and leave me alone. I finished that book, and right on its heals came another story idea. I wrote it too. Then I began to wonder about this odd phenomenon and decided to look into writing. I started taking classes locally and online, joined several writers groups, and started learning the craft of writing. It’s been an amazing journey, but not one I ever dreamed I’d have.

What was your most difficult scene to write?

You know, I think I’m actually working on that one right now. I sold a book that have a really great beginning and a fabulous, exciting ending, but as I was writing it, I realized I’d failed to plot much for the middle of the book, other than developing the romance. It’s been difficult, because I have a deadline looming, and my characters aren’t talking to me much. I’ll just have to muddle through, but you can be sure, I’ll plot out the next story better.

Have you had a "Wow" moment since you have been an author? What made it a "Wow" moment for you?

The first wow moment was the day I got the call for my first novella sale. That was so exciting. The next big wow came at the 2004 ACFW conference. My publisher, Barbour Publishing, issues several contracts at the conference each year, and in 2004, I received my first book contract among the cheers and clapping of my many friends.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

I touch on a number of issues in The Anonymous Bride. The first is forgiving past offenses. My hero battles forgiving the woman who betrayed his love. The heroine is a single mother from an abusive marriage who has a little girl who runs wild. Having been abused, she fears disciplining her daughter but knows she has to do something. My main goal with this book is to show readers that they are never beyond God’s redemption.

What’s playing on your CD while you’re writing?

Nothing. I actually prefer total quiet when I’m writing.

If you had the opportunity to talk with three writers, who would you choose and why?

This is a hard question because I’ve gotten to know many of my favorite writers.

What movie had the greatest impact on you as a kid?

I can’t think of a particular movie that had an impact on me, but I loved any movie with a horse in it. Why? I’ve always loved horses, and when I was about twelve, I talked my parents into getting me one. That was the first of three horses that I had. As a writer, I look back to my horse riding days and realize how much those experiences helped me to write horses in my stories.

If you could be on a Reality TV show, which one would it be and why?

The Amazing Race. Does that qualify? I’ve always wanted to travel, but with raising four boys, we never could much. I think it would be a blast to race around the world like the competitors on The Amazing Race do.

If you could visit any place in the world where would you travel to?

Oh, there are soooo many places I want to visit. Here are a few of them: Alaska, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, Fiji, Europe

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

How much time and effort goes into a book. It takes most writers months to research, plot, write, and rewrite a book. A lot of sweat, prayers, concern, and hard work is involved, but we do it to give the readers a product that will take them away from their hectic lives for a while and hopefully gives them enjoyment.

What was the best advice you’d ever gotten about the publishing industry?

To persevere. Writing takes a long time, but selling a book can take even longer. You may submit a proposal to a publisher and then wait months or even years to hear back, only to have your “baby” rejected. You cry a little, then dust off your hands, and get back to writing. Just keep at it and don’t give up. The worst? I can’t think of any bad advice I’ve been given.

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?

Do get involved in a good critique group where you can get feedback on your story. Don’t get overly excited and submit your book too soon. You’ve worked hard and you want to be sure that what you’re sending to an editor is your best work.

What is something readers would be surprised you do?

I think my life now is pretty cut and dry, but when I was much younger (and thinner—), I bought a motorcycle. I loved it!

Our theme for this month is GETTING THE CALL. Did you receive the call from the editor?

I’ve only received one “call” because my publisher communicates via email. The call I did receive was when I sold my first novella, which was to be included in a collection with three other authors. Several of the authors has meet me online and took an interest in my writing. I got a call one day from Cathy Marie Hake telling me that we’d sold our novella collection. What was the experience like? I asked if she was kidding, then sat stunned when she said she wasn’t. Then I squealed and thanked her immensely. Then I called my husband and told him the good news. It was a fun day!!

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

Sure! Second Chance Brides is the second book in my Texas Boardinghouse Brides series and tells the story of two of the mail-order brides who were leftover from the first book. Neither gal can return home and are stuck in Texas. Their only means of survival is to either find employment in the tiny town of Lookout—or find a husband. I’m being purposefully vague here, because I don’t want readers to know which brides are left until they’ve read The Anonymous Bride.

Suffice it to say, there’s plenty of drama, humor, and romance in the book.

How can readers get in contact with you?

mail: Vickie McDonough
PO Box 592
Jenks, OK 74037



Thanks so much for having me as a guest today. I wanted to let your readers know that I also have another book that released this month called Wildflower historical North Dakota.

The Anonymous Bride – book one in the Texas Boardinghouse Brides series

Three mail-orders brides arrive in Lookout, Texas, each expecting to marry the local marshal. But—he didn't order a bride. When a contest ensues to discover which bride will make him the best wife, there is a surprise fourth entry--an anonymous one. Mayhem occurs as the whole town tries to figure out who the anonymous bride is, and the mayor pressures the marshal to pick a bride or lose his job. Will Marshal Davis tuck tail and run for the hills? Or will he lose his heart and his bachelorhood?

Leave your name and email for a chance to win a copy of The Anonymous Bride.

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1 comment:

  1. Vickie,

    Thanks so much for being our featured author.

    Much success to you.


Thanks for your comment.