Tuesday, July 27, 2010

COLUMN: Are You On The Net? - July Online Promotion Tips

Promotion is a never ending story. I’m always shocked to hear an author say that they don’t have time to promote their books. To stay in this business you have to make time to promote.

This column will offer tips on online promotion that will hopefully help you use your promotional time more wisely.

We’ll start with the most important promotional tool, email. If you’re online, you have to have an email account. Most contact online is through email, so if you want to stay on top of things, you need an email account.

Email Address:

I highly suggest having at least three email addresses, one for your fans, one for your business and one for other information. I know you’re wondering why would I want three emails, that makes more work for me. However it actually cuts your time when it comes to promotion.

I know for a fact, I’ve received emails from authors who missed an interview email because it got lost in their emails. If they had their emails as I suggested they wouldn't have this problem.

Remember I mentioned making time for promotion? If you’re wading through email looking for promotional opportunities, that cuts into your writing time. I know when you're on deadline, you don't have time to go though emails, especially when they start going past the 100 mark.

When you have an email that is dedicated for business only, that’s the email you will click on and read through for these types of opportunities. Hopefully it won't reach the 100 mark and you can click on the most important emails, like those that are requesting an interview.

When you've finished with deadline hell, then you have time to read fan email. You'll be happy to see this email account that only has emails from the fans who love your writing.

The third email account can be looked at when you have time to catch up on email.

Don’t make the media hunt you down, make sure your email addresses are listed on your website, blog, social media pages and your promotional items (bookmarks, book covers, business cards etc.

Most writers are looking for a way to promote that doesn't cost a lot. Here's my suggestion for a no cost promotion.

Email Signature

Do you have an email signature? Not many writers do. This is an important feature to add to your outgoing email. This is your online business card. This information introduces you to the person who receive your email.

I’ve met many new authors because of their email signature. What they included in their signature intrigued me enough to click through their links to see who they were. If they hadn't included a signature, I probably wouldn't have known they were writers.

Email signature is a great way to promote your book, your site/blog or even an event you will be in.

What to include in your signature:

Make sure it is no more than 3 – 4 lines.

If you belong to a group or forum, read their guidelines. Some places have strict guidelines because some authors go overboard with promoting.

Your name

Link to your site
Book Title

If you have the space, include a one line synopsis

I suggest you hyperlink the site or book title, so it links to your site. If you really want to see if people are clicking on your signature links. Link it to a page on your site that has its own counter.

These are just a few simple tips to help you get started promoting online. Stop by next month for more information on online promotion.

Until then,

I’ll see you on the net.

LaShaunda C. Hoffman

LaShaunda is the creator of SORMAG – Shades Of Romance Magazine. She has 11 years of experience on online promotion, most she learned from trial and error. She has taught workshops on online promotion and is available for private online promotion coaching.

Leave your email signature for a chance to win a 30 minute online promotion coaching session.

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