Sunday, August 22, 2010

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Weathering Life’s Storms:‘Turn it Around’

Paralleling the life of the Apostle Paul with struggles faced by people today, Santora provides hope through faith in God. In the chapter, “Holding Fast As You Weather Life’s Storms,” Santora provides these four tips to attack five different storms he sees most people face: Satanic storms, sudden storms, self-made storms, storms by association, and sovereign storms.

Hold Fast to God’s Word. Keep an alliance with God by using His Word as a lifeline to cling to when in the midst of struggles.

Shake Off Your Problem. Make a decision to move forward, leaving the problem behind. Quit telling everyone the problem and begin to talk about what is right. Quickly dispel the problem and do not do things that re-inflict the pain.

Recognize That God Turns Delays Into Divine Appointments. Realize that God’s timing is perfect. View a setback as a setup for a comeback.

Realize That God’s Favor Never Fails. Remember that favor means goodwill; approval; to prefer or to help, do a kindness for or endorse. God’s favor is a promise upon which can be relied, even in the midst of storms.

In “Turn it Around,” Santora weaves his personal life experiences with well-known Bible stories to explain key elements that promise to transform what appear to be life’s road blocks into victories.

Santora pastors Faith Church in New Milford, Conn., where the congregation has grown from under 300 to more than 1,700 in weekly attendance in just over 10 years. He has a Bachelor of Science in accounting and business from Rutgers University, and is an ordained minister with RHEMA Bible Training Center. Santora’s preaching embodies the Faith Church motto, “Believe. Grow. Serve.”, as his sermons reflect those tenets. Some of his sermon titles have included “My Messy Family,” “American Idols,” “Life’s Battles” and “Surviving a Recession.” Santora’s television show, “Destined to Win,” airs weekly helping people to discover the winner within themselves. It is broadcast on 13 cable access stations, covering an area from eastern New York to Essex, Conn., and from the Bronx to northwestern Connecticut. More information about “Turn it Around” and Santora is available at

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