Thursday, August 26, 2010

Do You Still Do? What Happens Happily Ever After Blog Tour

Households headed by unmarried people have quadrupled in since 1970. According to recent polls 73% of Americans under the age of 45 believe life spent with the same partner is unusual. 6 of 10 children live in a single parent household. 1 out 0f 3 marriages end in divorce

Families are suffering all around the world. The failure of the family is causing serious problems. Why are families failing: because we have strayed away from the grand design.

All buildings begin with a plan. Buildings that have stood the test of time begin with correct materials on a solid foundation. If you want your family to be solid you must begin properly. Keith and Cheryl Donovan have been married 17 years and now they have written books designed to help the family build a solid foundation.

Do You Still Do? What Happens Happily Ever After

Why leave your marriage to chance when you can give it to God? What do you really want for your marriage; happiness, growth together, common purpose? In Do you Still Do? What Happens Happily Ever After, you'll find the hope that can only come from following God's will for your marriage. Learn how to turn to God and place every detail of your marriage in His hands. Identify patterns of thinking that contradict God's Word for your marriage and begin to replace them with the truth found in Scripture. Even in your darkest moment, God can do exceedingly more than you could ask or think. It's never too late to discover the joy that comes from yielding yourself and your marriage to the Father. Being a perfect couple doesn't matter being yielded to God does. As you begin to depend on Him, He will lead you into new fulfillment as you walk toward a marriage of purpose. “Do You Still Do” Is an insightful look into the realities of marriage.

About the Authors

As an Award-winning Author, Bible teacher, and licensed Evangelist, Cheryl's books, CD's, and devotionals are not meant to only entertain, but to also minister to and encourage others.

Founder and President of Worth More Than Rubies Ministries in Houston, Texas, Cheryl is the author of two award winning books, Women What the Hell are you Thinking and The Ministry of Motherhood. No doubt the newly released Do You Still Do What Happens Happily Ever After Co Authored with her husband of seventeen years will follow.

A “Worshipping Warrior”, Keith Donovan, is a man after God’s own heart. Respected and highly sought after for his down to earth transparent advice, Keith is a man’s man in a society desperate for his example.

Keith and Cheryl are the proud parents of three children and grandparents of two grandsons. Their desire is that their marriage be used for the glory of God.

To schedule the Donovan’s for interviews, speaking engagements, book signings, workshops, seminars, etc. contact them at

Why are families/marriages falling apart?

Families/marriages are falling apart because we spend a lot of time planning for the wedding and not enough time planning for the marriage. We don’t really seem to understand the commitment involved in maintaining a relationship. We get married for convenience, financial security, and every other superficial reason under the sun, but commitment never crosses our minds. Marriage is a 365 day a year, 24 hour a day job and it takes two complete individuals to pull it off.

What happens when families fail?

When families fail the enemy has a foothold in society that he doesn’t let go of easily. Our children suffer, single parents suffer, and ultimately our communities suffer.

What are three steps a person can follow to plan for marriage/family?

1. Self Development – You must know who you are and whose you are

2. Patience- Don’t be anxious. Wait for Mr./Mrs. Right

3. Personal Relationship- Be able to live with you. If you can’t live with you (be alone) who else can?

What is the solid foundation upon which a family/marriage should be built?

The Word of God outlines Biblical principles for Christian marriages. Keith and I have tried to model our marriage after these principles to form a marriage of purpose.

Link to Book

Product Details

Peace In The Storm Publishing
ISBN-10: 0981963129
ISBN-13: 978-0981963129

Book Trailer


Link to excerpt

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  1. Cheryl and Keith thank you for stopping by SORMAG. I have to agree that marriage is an every day job. So many people go into it thinking it won't be so hard and when it does they are ready to run.

    I'm one who believes in learning to build my marriage, so I will be getting a copy of this book, because it sounds like something every married couple needs.

  2. Thank you for sharing. Sounds like it will be a great resource to read. When or if I ever get married, I will have to remember the things mentioned.

  3. Your blog is so amazing. It is like one stop shop for everything. I really love everything in your blog. Especially this post. Very informative.

  4. Marriage is not something to be entered into lightly. Keith and I have been married seventeen years. Not all of them blissful. But through it all we have learned to apply Biblical principles to our marriage. We have taken the life lessons learned and used them to create a marriage of purpose by sharing our testimony of love and commitment with others.

    Lashaunda as always thank you so much for all you do in the literary community. We love you and the entire SORMAG community.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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