Friday, September 10, 2010



When the idea of a magazine popped into my mind, the first thing I did was research starting a magazine. I decided to go to the magazines that I liked and write the editor for advice. A few of them wrote back with some excellent advice. One even sent a list of books for research.

I even wrote a few organizations and one wrote back, why start a magazine when I didn’t know anything about the publishing business it would be like going to a dentist who has never been to dental school.

I will admit, I was almost discouraged by this letter, but I decided to learn all I could about the business.  I created Magazine Publishing 101 LaShaunda style. I bought all those magazine books on the list I had, I googled and found more. I did more research on starting a magazine and I learned, a lot.

Ten years later I’m here writing this post to tell you not to be discouraged. It might not happen when you want it to happen, but if you do your homework, learn about what you want to do, go to school, and learn your craft. You can reach the dream you have been after.

I dreamed of a magazine and got more than I could ever imagine.

Tell us about the dream that came true.

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1 comment:

  1. LaShaunda,Happy Anniversary.

    To answer your question, I've been blessed to have a career as a writer.

    I have other dreams but that's one that I've been able to see come true.


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