Monday, October 11, 2010

FEATURED AUTHOR: Kamekio Danielle Lewis

Kamekio D. Lewis is the founder of A New Day Rehabilitation & Counseling Services. She is a native of Camden, Arkansas, but currently resides in Memphis, TN with her husband, Dennis Lewis, and their two children, Kaveyon & Kemareyon Lewis. She graduated from Camden/Fairview High School and has earned bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, a Masters of Education from Auburn University, and she is a 2010 graduate of Ministry Training International. She is also a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. She served 8 years in the United States Army and she is very committed to touching and changing lives. She has continously worked in the helping field throughout her military career in Alaska, Kansas, and now in Tennessee.

Kamekio is also the author of Looking 4 Love…In All the Wrong Places. This book gives a detailed account of her experiences going through and surviving an abusive relationship. Her sincere hope is that her testimony will inform, inspire, and encourage women to still hope, stand on faith, and walk in love as they transition from being the victim to being victorious.

Looking 4 all the wrong places
If you search for Him with all your heart you will find Him-Deuteronomy 4:29

He loves me…He love me not…He loves me... He loves me NOT…

As little girls many of us played pretend. Yes, in our own little minds, we filled our world with dolls, dreams, and our perfect love. Once I was grown and out on my own there was no more pretending. I was playing house and trying to handle grown folks business. I was trying so hard to enhance this romance, but I had to realize that there was no happily ever after to my story. My fairy-tale romance was turning into a horror film and I was the main character.

I was on a scavenger hunt looking for love and expecting happiness. I was disappointed with the love that I found and not satisfied with the happiness I had made.

He offered me a bogus brand of what I thought was real love. You know that love that looks just like the real thing and from a distance you can't tell if it's an original or just a knock off. But usually if you look at it, really examine it; you can tell that it's a fake! The stitches are different, the texture is different, but most of all the quality is different. I knew that the quality of love that Marcus offered was flawed, but I wanted it so bad, I carried it around perpetrating it as an original.

He loves me….He loves me not…Yes, He loves me…..

He is the complete expression of love. It is His desire to lavish so much love on me.

Every good gift that I receive comes from His hand.

For He is my Provider and He will meet all my needs.

His plan for my future has always been filled with hope.

He loves me with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3).

How did you start out your writing career?

I started writing as a way to heal from some past hurts and pain. I began to hear women talk about how they were still in abusive relationships and how this was affecting their life. I felt that sharing my experience and testimony would help others heal and learn to forgive.

What did you learn while writing this book?

I learned that you will have a lot of critics, good and bad, but that you must stand your ground, stay focused, and continue to promote your book and believe in your product.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

I wanted women to feel a sense of relief. I wanted them know that they were not alone during this time, and though they felt lonely, they were never alone, but that they could trust and depend on God to help them transition from being the victim to being victorious. My prayer is that are able to connect with my story, learn from my mistakes, and move into a place of peace and happiness

Is the “writer’s life” what you thought it would be?

No. First, I do have a lot of people that were able to connect with my story and are already requesting the 2nd book. I have had so many women email me to share their stories and thier testimonies. It has truly been a blessing to connect with so many women on so many different levels

Which five characters (can be from books, movies, or tv shows) would you invite over for dinner and why?

Maya Angelou - she is a woman of wisdom, grace, and love. She always plays a humble and intelligent role.

Mr. Brown - he is so funny and he always makes me laugh, he says the most off the wall stuff, but somehow it makes a lot of sense.

Tasha (The Game) - she is unsensored, straight forward and to the point. You get what you see and she is all about her business. She values her relationships with her friends and family. She is always together, hair, nails, clothes.

Mamma Joe/ Big Mamma (Soul Food) - She managed to keep her family together, she taught them values and she stayed with her husband, even when he was coming home the morning after. She appeared to be a praying woman and she never spoke anything against her husband.

Dewayne (Different World) - Wow! The example of college life was really influential. The characters in this sitcom displayed some very real issues about real people with real problems, but through it all they maintained, stayed focus, and through all the mistakes, breakups, and transitions they excelled.

What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?

Effective marketing strategies - The importance of organization - The importance of networking and building a customer base.

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?

Do get your book edited at least twice - Don't assume everybody will like your book.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

Paper & Pencil can take you a long way, once you sit down and take time to write. It does take time and patience to write. It requires discipline, timelines, and accountability

What was the best advice you’d ever gotten about the publishing industry? The worst?

Best Advice = Research the industry - Worst = none

What is something readers would be surprised you do?

One thing I did = lived in Alaska for 3 years

If you could be a character from any book you've read, who would you be?

Me...I am the character in my book. I am the lonely girl, lost, and looking for direction, but I accept that. I have learned to embrace the challenges in my mind and allow my mess to become my message and my test to become my testimony. Each detrimental experience, I consider as a high growth learning opportuntiy, so I am now living, learning, and loving.

Our theme this month is The Business Of Writing. Can you offer any advice about the business side of writing?

Research - Research - Reshearch - Know the market, know how to market, and market yourself and your product

Oprah always asks, What do you know for sure?

I know that I must allow the passion, purpose, and love inside of me, to be greater than the pain which I have experienced.

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

My next book will uncover the issues and actions of women and thier lovers. Thier love for money, men, and sex.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website) mail

3125 S Mendenhall - Suite 230 - Memphis, TN 38115 --email - -

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  1. I loved the post and the book and can't wait to read your next! Keep up the good work!

  2. Your book is awesome. It took me on a complete journey while reading it. Can't wait for the next one. Excellent material!

  3. This book opened wounds that I thought was healed-or should I say, put back so far in my mind I thought if I would not think about it or if no one knew about my abuse that it would just go away and I could live a normal life. I thank Kamekio for this book because it helped to have closure with my abuser and to tell my story instead of hiding all my hurt and pain with fake smiles! This book has changed my life because I no longer carry around that baggage that I had for years. I honestly feel like a new person and I thank God for this book and this author! God bless you! I can not wait for your next book, I know it will be as inspiring as your first!


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