REAL WIFEYS: On the Grind
Goldie has been the “wifey” of an older, wealthy man since she was sixteen, but the discovery of their long-time affair by his real wife brings to an end her hood-fabulous lifestyle in her low-rise project in Newark.
Determined to prove she can make it without the man and his money, Goldie tries every hustle she can think of, including selling knock-off clothing and bootleg DVDs, with little success. Then she gets an irresistible offer from a sexy strip-club owner and becomes the club’s biggest act.
Ultimately realizing that she can make more money by taking her show on the road, she leaves the club and its owner behind, and begins running her own show in her apartment. Business booms and Goldie hits it big when her company, Goldie Girls, is hired to tour with a platinum selling rapper. But her constant quest for more money and power leads Goldie to make decisions that bring on enemies and puts her safety and her self-respect at risk all for the bottom line.
Meesha Mink is the national bestselling and award-winning author of 20 previous novels. She lives in New Jersey and South Carolina.
How did you start out your writing career?
I started out my writing career by researching just what it took to submit my book to publishers and agents. I think that a lot of people have the desire to write but are missing the important step of knowing what to do with their book or short story once its complete. I can not stress enough the importance of finding out the submission guidelines for the publisher or agent your interested in. I discovered that it was easier to get your seen without an agent via the romance publishers, so I decided to began writing romances even though I knew I wanted to one day get into other genres. Now once I got that out the way, I wrote some short stories and then I wrote my fist full-length romance and submitted it to three publishers. Two made offers.
What did you learn while writing this book?
I've written more than twenty books and I can't say that I learned anything new with Real Wifeys: On The Grind but I know it reaffirmed my love of creating stories that entertain and enlighten. It offered me the great opportunity to write a grittier story than my romance novels. It confirmed that I truly have a love for each of the genres that I write in and that I definitely want to continue to do so.
What did you hope to accomplish with this book?
My goal first and foremost with any book is to have readers be entertained and pulled into the story I created. I definitely didn't want to glorify negative or harmful behavior but to show how certain actions and decisions that young women make can affect their entire lives. In this first book of the series, the lead character Goldie struggles were with her love of money, her quest for power and ultimately her struggle to discover her self-respect. Unfortunately these are issues that a lot of young women grapple with in today's society, particularly as they make decision that can--and will--affect the rest of their lives.
Is the “writer’s life” what you thought it would be?
In terms of my life and just my world of getting lost in stories almost everyday--it is. Being a true full-time author, I'm able to write when I want and I wait for the inspiration. I wait for the moments when the urge to write hits me almost like a addict needing a fix. But more on the business side, there's a lot I didn't know and that I learn everyday. Because ultimately even though I love that I have this creative career, it is still a business that I am learning to handle better with each and every opportunity.
Which five characters (can be from books, movies, or tv shows) would you invite over for dinner and why?
Instead of characters I would invite one author from the various genres that African-Americans write in: commercial fiction, science/speculative fiction, mysteries, urban fiction, and literary fiction--just as a symbolic gesture that like the publishing industry there is enough room at the table for us all.
What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?
1) As your fan base broadens the amount of people who may or may not like your works grows as well. Get ready for some interesting reviews! 2) To be more disciplined because there's no one there to make you write and meet deadlines. 3) To learn to make time to relax.
Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?
This goes back to something I mentioned earlier: DO research the proper submission guidelines for the publisher or agent you;re interested in working with. DON'T assume your first book deal is going to be for six figures or better and plan to keep your day job.
What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
I definitely wish people understood that I am always thinking about the ins and outs of a book--even when I'm not at my computer or I don't have a pen and pad. Mostly my non-writing friends and family interrupt my thought processes and do not understand that what I do is a job!
What was the best advice you’d ever gotten about the publishing industry? The worst?
The best advice I ever received is to be realistic about the industry. And because of that, as the industry changes and shifts you will be more inclined to understand and find a new path or vision for yourself.
Uhm, worst advice was concerning a deal to write for this small press. Other writers that I knew were writing for them. One of the worst mistakes I ever made was accepting a deal. I caught all kinds of hell getting my contract voided to avoid that book being published--by a publisher that eventually folded and didn't have good business sense. I learned an important lesson that there are people out there--colleagues--who are not on top of their business.
What is something readers would be surprised you do?
Watch lots of reality TV. Love it. Love it. Love it.
If you could be a character from any book you've read, who would you be?
None. I love to read books for entertainment and I can think of a dozen books that I absolutely love....but I have no desire to be anyone but me--flaws and all.
Our theme this month is Family Literacy. Do you do anything to promote family literacy?
I encourage my family and friends to read and I am always amazed by how many people don't read but feel awkward or disdainful of someone else reading. Most importantly, I give quite a few of my younger cousins free copies of my books!
Oprah always asks, What do you know for sure?
I know without a doubt that I God formed me to be a writer and I feel blessed to make a living from doing what I was born to do.
How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
Twitter: /InfiniteInk
Myspace: /meeshamink
Facebook (Announcement Page): Niobia Bryant-Meesha Mink
Shelfari: /Unlimited_Ink
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