Tuesday, March 15, 2011


KISS #3: Put Scrivener In My Writer’s Box

by Jamillah Warner

Have you every started a book (or a long article) and found yourself overwhelmed by your ideas and your research? You were excited in the beginning about this point and that angle. So, you dove in with all your heart and all you ideas.

But then, you began to slip a little, sink just a bit, unravel around the edges, until all that slipping and sliding lead to overwhelm and complete inactivity. I’m saying, have you ever been up to your ears in research and just wanted a better way to keep track of all that priceless information.

In steps Literature and Latte! At SORMAG it is always for the love of the written word (and the reader). But a latte is an excellent companion too, a foamy, frothy delight (green tea soy latte for me).

Here’s the point. LiteratureandLatte.com has created (and recently updated) a smart little tool for writers, Scrivener. In fact, you can ‘scrivener’ your ideas and research all over this software and the layout makes it easier to find it and reorganize it later.

Three things to like:

Research Consolidation: You can keep all your research in one software including typed notes, pdf files, references to print books and relevant websites. Plus, you can read them inside the software, this is a serious time saver.

Writing Studio: Scrivener has a split screen so that you can look at your research on one side and type in the other without having to switch back and forth. Or you can black everything out and write to your heart’s content in full screen.

Chaos Reduction: By giving you different ways to look at your information, it cuts down on the chaos and the confusion that can arise with longer literary works. These different views include a corkboard for grouping your notes, an outliner for establishing your order, text editing for typing your book (or long article or screenplay or term paper or company manual or the freedom to create your own template).

Test drive it for free. You just might like it enough to put it in your Author’s Toolbox.

Find Out More About Scrivener

BE ADVISED: This is a Mac app that comes with a free 30 day trial. However, the PC version is in beta (free for now. Follow this link to find it). It’s the perfect non committal relationship: if you don’t like it, leave it! But chances are, you will fall in love with it (at least a little).

It’s the simple solutions that save us time.


You have just been KISSED by Jamillah Warner, Keyed In Set Straight Educated & Delivered from complication. Jamillah is a writer with a passion for business. Her work is published on multiple websites and magazines including SmallBizTrends.com and Phenomenal Woman Magazine. Expect another KISS next month.

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