Thursday, August 04, 2011

BLOG TOUR For Benjamin J. Patterson

My name is Benjamin J. Patterson. Unlike most authors my back ground does not include professional reading or writing much. I am a native ofNew Orleans, La.Throughout high school and college I have always been very good at writing except I really had no interest in it as a career. Even though, writing has always played a large part in my life.

I mostly write to either relieve stress and to relay feelings or emotions I can’t really express with verbal communication. That is pretty much how Stuff Happens came to be.

Hurricane Katrina caused many drastic and unexpected changes in my life. During my stressful times or just for things I wanted to remember I would write little things here and there. I encountered many situations I had never faced and constantly wondered if I would get through, well stuff happens is my testament to the fact that hard work and determination can over come diversities in life.

Will I write a part two to Stuff Happens?

I have not decided on writing a part two of Stuff Happens although, I am writing another book.

Did I loose any family due to Hurricanes Katrina or Rita?

Fortunately, I did not loose any immediate family, but unfortunately I did loose a step-mother Sandra who is and will be missed greatly.

What Happened to Ebony?

Right now Ebony and I don’t really communicate, but I still do have a place for her in my heart and from what I know she is doing well in Little Rock hosting shows for clubs.

What inspired me to write Stuff Happens?

There were several reasons I decided to write Stuff Happens. Even though I’m not an avid reader writing is a way I express ideas and emotions I can not do verbally. Going through the situations I faced after Hurricane Katrina I constantly asked myself am I the only one going through this, so I decided to share my personal story in case someone was wondering the same thing. I don/t expect them to face exactly the same problems but life comes with many challenges and I just saying “we can overcome.”

Why did I choose to self-publish?

I choose to self publish so I could tell my story the way I want it to be told. I received offers from publishers but most of them entailed changing something here or there. I wrote Stuff Happens as an ordinary everyday person just sharing a part of my life and that is the way I want to keep it.

Why is the book cover so basic with not even a picture in it or on it?

Stuff Happens is more like a part of my personal journal rather than a novel or biography. Stuff Happens was written from pure emotion so I just kept it as just words to focus the reader on the story more than myself. I am sure there are many others with stories of their own, but I just decided to have mine published.

Do I have any regrets?

Actually, I have no regrets of anything. I was not prepared for the hurricanes as I should have been, but if not for the hurricanes I would have not have experienced the good experiences I did have. I use to run from and try to bury my problems, but I have learned to face them head on and conquer them. That is another thing I did by writing Stuff Happens. It allowed me to face my problems, conquer them and move on.

Am I living back in Louisiana, and if so would I be scared if and when another hurricane comes through?

Yes, I have moved back to New Orleans and a hurricane here is always something to be concerned about. More than being afraid I would be more prepared the next time a big one hits. Hurricanes are part of living here just as mid America is home of the tornadoes. We just have to be more prepared for when and not if another one comes through

Stuff Happens is my personal story of the effects Hurricane Katrina had on my life. There are many others out there with similar experiences; however, I decided to share my personal experiences in hopes of touching someone’s life.

Throughout the book, I will discuss my experiences before, during and after Hurricane Katrina. She took things from my life along with bringing other things into my life both good and bad. Katrina triggered a string of events that turned my life into a roller coaster for a few years. Even though Katrina took away my identity she helped me find love for the first time in my life.

This special woman, who I am still friends with today, brought me from the edge of existence to the door step of prosperity. I talk about almost every aspect of our relationship mental, spiritual and physical.

Along with trying to build a life with this special person, I was also trying to get my identity back. Losing my identity also caused me to lose real control over my life; for example by allowing small occurrences good and bad to have a large effect on my life.

With God on my side and faith in myself I have managed to keep a positive attitude. I have learned things are going to happen but we must have strength and courage to live on. I have managed to sail choppy seas and break many boundaries in my quest to find my identity.

Stuff Happens is merely my message to those who are out there facing similar circumstances. We can survive disaster by turning tragedy into triumph!

Thanks for your time and patience,
Benjamin Joseph Patterson


After the power went out we all went to sleep but were awakened by a loud thunderous roaring. That was how loud and violent the wind gust were. The rain came down so hard it sounded like bricks were hitting the side of the building. We actually heard the wind ripping the shingles off the roof as the storm grew closer. We could also hear debris on the street being tossed around by the wind. The winds were so strong we actually heard trees snapping or being ripped from the ground. I wanted to open the door to take a look, but my survival instincts told me otherwise.

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