Friday, April 20, 2012
Author, Speaker and Publisher Brian Thompson mixes inspirational themes and unforgettable characters together in unique stories. The Lost Testament, his debut novel, is a historical fiction thriller set in the 1960s. There, a pastor passing for white discovers proof of a resurrected Jesus Christ and uses it to spark a spiritual revolution.
Thompson's sophomore effort, The Revelation Gate is a historical fiction epic named a 2011 favorite read by Amazon 1,000 reviewers Michelle Sutton and Cyrus Webb. In it, an enslaved race rests its hopes on the shoulders of a boy with unbreakable bones.
His third novel, The Anarchists, is a speculative fiction thriller set in 2050. When a single mom, unemployed engineer, military hopeful, and psychiatrist are struck by tragedy, a supernatural force offers them a chance to improve their lives. Their decisions will destroy the world or save it.
Writing is his first love, but teaching comes in at a close second. Thompson combines them both with Creating A Positive Environment (C.A.P.E.): a training/mentorship platform to lead aspiring writers down the publishing path.
When he's not writing, or showing others how to do what they love, Thompson spends time in his East metro Atlanta home with his family.
How did you start out your writing career?
I wrote my first novel, The Lost Testament, between 2002 and 2009, and finally published it in 2010. I've been writing ever since!
What did you learn while writing this book?
I've learned to let go of regrets, which is a journey several of the characters have to take.
What did you hope to accomplish with this book?
I'd like for my readers to come away enlightened, empowered, and entertained. I actually didn't plan to use all "e" words, but they work.
What came first with this story, the characters or the plot? Why?
The plot came first - it was my wife's idea. She suggested the characters too, but the people she made up for me were a little too good for me, so I started with a few ideas and messed with them.
What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?
I thought that when I went into business for myself, that all of my former teacher co-workers, my family, and friends who said "Go on! I'm proud of you," would end up supporting me by buying a book or two. Initially, some do, but most do not. Which is fine - I was wrong to expect them to. What can I say? I'm a glass-half-full kind of guy.
What aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?
I love writing layered characters and letting them act out my plots. I HATE researching. I'll do it, but I despise it.
What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?
I wish I'd known good marketing people, like Kemya Scott of Phisco Marketing or Maria Joyner of Under 30 CEO, two years ago when I launched The Lost Testament. I probably could have saved a ton of money and done the same sales-wise. That's really the one thing I wished I knew -- the marketing side. It's just as important as the writing side. If you do one incorrectly, you might as well not do the other.
Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?
Do: Get in a critique group and take their criticisms to heart. If you're a writer and don't develop a thick skin, you'll never grow.
Don't: take every criticism to heart. Everyone has an opinion, and they're not all correct. Learn the proper balance between "I-should-fix-this" and "It's-fine-the-way-it-is-we-just-don't-agree."
What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
That I don't sit at my computer all day, listening to Pandora, and typing my life away. Most writers don't/can't do that. Some of my former co-workers have said to me, "I wish I could quit and write." The reality is, you can. But with great power comes great responsibility.
Tell us something few know about you?
On a hot day, I love a cold Yuengling; cold days, it's hot tea - my new addiction is Lipton Cranberry Pomegranate. Good days are when a reader tells me how my writing changed their life; and on bad days, I say a prayer for strength and hug my family and everything's okay after that.
When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?
My wife and I are expecting, so my favorite thing to do is lay on our bed and feel my child move. Though he/she doesn't do it much; it's like I automatically calm him down or something. I love superhero movies, and I read, when I can.
What do you do to interact with your readers?
I tweet, Facebook, and "pin" (as in Pinterest) -- I'm perfectly comfortable with my masculinity in admitting that. Sort of.
Our theme for this month is Ebooks. Do you own an ereader and if so, what the last book you downloaded?
If you don’t own an ereader, do you see yourself purchasing one in the future? I have an e-reader app on my iPad, and I just finished a good one, "When Rain Falls" by Tyora Moody.
Who was the first author you ever met?
Alex Haley, two months before he died. I still have the autographed copy of Roots on my shelf.
Oprah always asks, What do you know for sure?
I know God, and that God created me to do what I'm doing right now.
Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?
I'm writing two. The first is called Gates of Kuzimu and it's a sequel to The Revelation Gate. It takes place 51 days after the end of events in The Revelation Gate, where people are picking up the pieces following a devastating war. The second book is a Young Adult read that I don't want to say much about, other than it's the first book in a fantasy series.
How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
They can reach me anytime at my e-mail address, and the website is
The Anarchists, is a speculative fiction thriller set in 2050. When a single mom, unemployed engineer, military hopeful, and psychiatrist are struck by tragedy, a supernatural force offers them a chance to improve their lives. Their decisions will destroy the world or save it.
Trailer 1:
Trailer 2:
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ReplyDeleteThanks for the shout out Brian! When it comes to communicating with his readers, he’s being modest. There’s another cool thing Brian does to communicate with his readers - he asks us questions about our own experiences, which gives real authenticity to his characters' struggles. So if you like his Facebook page you’ll get hints as to what he’s writing about, the challenges his characters might face, and how he’s developing the twists and turns of the story. You just might get to name a character!