Tuesday, April 10, 2012

GUEST BLOGGER: 7 Ways To Attract Twitter Followers by Tyora Moody

Facebook and Twitter are two very different social networking platforms. Most people like one or the other.  I really enjoy Twitter because it fits my passion for sharing information.  As a business owner, Twitter allows you to interact with customers quickly. Authors can interact with readers. As with most social media, you must remember it is “social.” Don’t let all your “tweets” be promotional, but aim to build relationships first.

To get started, you will need a twitter account. To create a new account, go to http://www.Twitter.com and fill out the form.  On the next screen you will be able to choose a username. This probably isn’t the time to choose a cutesy or strange username. Try to choose one that fits with your branding.  For example, I use my name for my author twitter account - http://www.twitter.com/tyoramoody. If you write under a pseudonym, use it as your username.

1.    Invite Existing Contacts. After you sign-up for a Twitter account, you will be invited to add people based on categories.  Twitter will also invite you to add contacts via your email account (yahoo.com, gmail.com, etc). This is a good way to start your follower’s list.

2.     Use Your 140 Characters Wisely. Twitter only allows 140 characters. Once you start to follow people, you will be able to see their tweets in your feed. To quickly engage with people you follow, you can reply, retweet or favorite a tweet as they appear in the feed. Be on the lookout for @yourusername in the timeline or under @Connect at the top. You want to respond back to tweets directed to you in a timely manner.

If you and another tweeter are following one another, you can also communicate with a direct (d) message.  This is a private message you can view on your timeline that’s not visible to others. Don’t tweet inappropriate or sensitive content to the public timeline. You don’t want alienate anyone unnecessarily.

3.    Tweet regularly. The more followers you have, the more you want to get people in the habit of seeing your content.  You may want to use outside tools. I use a combination of Hootsuite and Buffer to post tweets throughout the day. Don’t be too automated though. Remember it’s about relationship building so seek ways to share and engage in conversations.

4.    Use RT @name to retweet. I’ve never been a fan of Twitter’s retweet format. If you’re retweeting someone’s tweet, make sure to use the “RT @name” format so you can give them credit and also show up in their mentions.

5.    Tweet quality content. People love tweets that share tidbits of information. Shareable tweets will encourage people to follow you so they won’t miss the valuable tips you tweet every day. They will also more than likely retweet you.

6.    Add the icon. Place a Twitter icon on your main website, on your blog, and anywhere people can find you. It’s quite common to see Twitter (and other social media) icons on business cards, print materials and multimedia materials.

7.    Branding. Make sure your avatar and background represent your brand.  When someone lands on your twitter page, they should immediately “feel” like they’re interacting with your brand or personality.


Tyora Moody is an author and entrepreneur. She owns and operates TywebbinCreations.com, a design and marketing company. For over twelve years, she has worked with authors, small business owners and non-profit organizations to develop their online presence. For free tips, how-to guides and ecourses, visit DIYwithTy.com.

Tyora is the author of the novels When Rain Falls and When Memories Fade (March 2013).

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