Monday, July 02, 2012


Ey considers herself to be a caged in frustrated author of thought provoking, mind bending eBooks, an occasional step-in parent, a fountain of knowledge, and ready to share. She is (and have always been) the single mother of three daughters that were previously home-schooled and are now either attending college or graduated from college and the drooling 'Lovey' to a baby boy. Ey was born in Texas and reared as an Army brat. There is the constant need to speak, writing and telling stories is the way she chooses to socialize.

How did you start out your writing career?

Before becoming a self-published author I followed the rules. Wrote outlines, character back stories, did the word counting, queries and everything. I even had an agent once. Unfortunately he was a horrible choice. Directed me away from Ballantine books (wish I would have known who they were then) who wanted The Perfect Solution and straight into the corrupt hands of Publish America. What a crock. After that fiasco I was so humiliated I couldn’t write. Fought and had my rights returned and now, I am back. I tried the querying again, but became frustrated when it seems the agents’ rules are so varied, too confusing for me. Not to mention the rejection letters can be soul crushing. I received a lot of positive reviews for The Perfect Solution when it was first published and yet when I began querying one agent informed me no one would like the book and yet it deals with negligence in the child care system. So, off I ran on my own. I have recently put three novels, three picture books and a creative non-fiction book into the Amazon and Smashwords systems. I think e-publishing is one of the greatest inventions God has given to the world.

What did you learn while writing this book?

While writing D.N.A. I learned there is an inner strength within everyone and all it takes is a belief in yourself to sustain you through anything.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

I think my main goal with D.N.A. is to show teens and those who feel they have to go on shows like Maury Povich that they don’t have to act like a fool. Respect begins within yourself.

What came first with this story, the characters or the plot?

The plot came first. After watching so many of those ‘whose the daddy shows on TV I started to become irritated with all of the ridiculous drama Why? This is just one time I was totally plot driven.

What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?

When my first books were published years ago I was amazed at the reactions from others. People would act as if it were so amazing for someone in our town, of my color to write a book.

What aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?

I love all aspects of writing. Some a little more than others, but I enjoy the entire creative process.

What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?

Number one thing I wish I had known was the fact I should believe in myself more than anyone else. Just because someone can’t understand your dream doesn’t mean there is something wrong with it or you. I wish I had known to start self-publishing and learning more about marketing.

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?

I would advise any author to go the route of self-publishing when they have something they feel strongly about and no one else can envision their dreams. Then I would probably tell a writer, don’t just take the first words you scribble on a piece of tissue and run off thinking you have written the next best seller. Take your time, write, edit, and reedit before you submit anything.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

I would love for a non-writer, reader to understand writing is not a waste of time. It is hard work and a tremendous source of release and passion.

Tell us something few know about you?

Few know I suffer with Sciatica which sometimes makes it extremely hard to move or walk, let alone type and yet I have published eight other books.

When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?

When I’m not writing I like watching television, reading and playing with my grandbaby.

What do you do to interact with your readers?

I blog five blogs, twitter, write book reviews, post on other social networks and post on Facebook

Who was the first author you ever met?

Her name is Barbara Cooley I met her at a writer’s workshop about 8 years ago. It was awesome. She wrote cozy mysteries about a housekeeper who solved murders in her hometown. As keepsakes for the book she gave out tiny feathered dust mops with book covers connected for one book and other paraphernalia to match her other books. I still have that little dust mop.

Oprah always asks, what do you know for sure?

What do I know for sure? Lol, with all of the voices yelling in my head to come to life and tell their stories, I know being an author is the life I am supposed to live.

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

Sure. My next book is titled, “Tripping Prince Charming” it’s a romance consisting of three stories that interweave with each other. Book Description: Carmella Candi, Ivy Gardiner, and Lillie-Rose McIntyre are best friends and have been since birth. Strong minded women, who defied the fairytales, tore up the pink fluffy dresses and enjoyed kicking Prince Charming in the teeth. In their lives, they decided who would make the choice of when the ‘happy’ became ever after.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

Email: Web: Blogs: Twitter: Facebook:

About D.N.A. On the night before a planned family vacation, Debney is inexplicably excluded. After a bitter argument with her mother at being barred from family vacations, especially one so close to her eighteenth birthday, Debney arranges a romantic dinner with her long time crush. During the chaos of dinner turned teen party, she learns of the death of her family. Yes, sometimes relationships in families end tragically. People leave; parents die, and lives change. But does it all have to bring out the skeletons in the closet?

Debney Nichole Armstrong thought she knew everything about her family. She knew her dad worked hard at everything, except building a relationship with his family. She knew her younger brothers were typical little kids, and she knew her mother, for some unknown reason, disliked her first born and only daughter.

What she really needed to know was did her mother contribute to the ‘accident’? Who is the man repeatedly mentioned in her mother’s journals? Where were the bodies of her ten year old twin brothers, and who is the father of the child she now carries? No matter what the answers are, Debney knows, nothing will ever be the same.

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  1. Thank you for the interview. I'm really stoked about it.

  2. Great interview. We have similar ideas in terms of my own decision to become self-published. I have to check your book out, very interesting. Best Wishes on your career!

  3. Thanks for stopping over. Being Indie is a little scary, but totally worth it. Yes, please check out the book. I hear it's pretty good.

  4. Loved this interview, Ey! As an indie author myself, I agree with everything you said here. Wishing you the best in your publishing journey.

    BTW, I just friended you on Facebook. :)

  5. You're amazing. You're unstoppable, even with your condition, which could have easily slowed you down or caused you to give in. Thanks for your unique stories and inspiration. :-)

  6. Thanks, I'm glad you could stop by. Hope your journey as an Indie is prosperous .


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