Friday, August 24, 2012

FEATURED AUTHOR: Renita Williams

Renita Williams is a mother of four who has always had a deep love for the written word. Williams is an energetic young woman who could always be found with a smile and/or a book feeding her hunger for the written word. As early as age twelve she began to dream of creating her own tales of love, except she believed she had to be an adult. At age 26, she found herself laid-off from work for the first time in her life. In that instant, Williams knew that it was a perfect time to pursue her dreams. She joined a writing group and attended Story Studio Chicago to learn the craft of writing. While currently back at work, Williams has not given up on her dream. A Heart Reserved For Love is her first novel.

How did you start out your writing career?

At age 12 I knew I wanted to write a book but I believed I had to be an adult. So I settled for writing down what I did every day. Eventually, I destroyed the notebooks but the desire to become a published author never left. Finally, in 2004, when my job at the time began talk of layoffs I realized that I was an adult and in a position to do the one thing I’ve always wanted to do the most: write for publication. So I took creative writing at Story Studio Chicago and I’ve been writing ever since.

What did you learn while writing this book?

I learned that writing a book isn’t as easy as it seems when the idea hits you. I learned that it takes time and patience. And I also learned that there are a lot of people who truly believed in me and wanted me to achieve my goal of becoming a published author.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

To introduce myself to an audience who believes in love and who wants to be entertained through strong characters going through life’s tests and trials.

What came first with this story, the characters or the plot? Why?

The characters came first. I wanted to put a strong woman through one of life’s many tests and have her do everything she had to in order to overcome her situation and not her situation take her over mentally and physically.

What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?

I am surprised at how many people who have known me for only a short period of time but they believe in me and truly want me to be more successful than anything I could possibly imagine.

What aspect of writing do you love the most, and which do you hate the most?

I absolutely love to sit down and put pen to paper and get lost in a zone until my eyes refuse to stay open a second longer. I hate that the story doesn’t unfold as easily as I envision it.

What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?

I could have started long time ago.
How good it feels to know I accomplished one of my goals.
I should have had a marketing plan ready long before I published.

Tell us something few know about you?

I love to sing like it was my destiny.

When you’re not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?

Spend time with my family, dance and sing even though I don’t have a singing voice.

What do you do to interact with your readers?

Facebook, LinkedIn and Blog on my website

Our theme for this month is Non-Fiction. What was the last non-fiction you read?

Managing God’s money by Randy Alcorn

Who was the first author you ever met?

Kimberla Lawson Roby

Oprah always asks, what do you know for sure?

I know that to achieve my goals takes discipline, determination and the grace of GOD. Beyond that the only thing that can stand in my way is me or death.

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

Chantell Reynolds believes she has the perfect life until Valentine’s Day brings home her man and his wife. Chantell returns home where she is forced to find her true identity and exactly what real love is, the hard way.

How can readers get in contact with you?


Tracy Robinson is happily-single, but her mother and friends believe otherwise. They think she's still hurt over her last breakup so, they set out to find her someone to live happily-ever-after with. But when Tracy meets Maurice Turner, a handsome car dealer, she thinks he's an arrogant jerk she couldn't possibly like let alone spend a lifetime with.

Maurice Turner has been a bachelor for most of his adult life and loved the freedom it allowed him. When he meets Tracy Robinson he is overwhelmed by the deep attraction and he knows she feels it too, even if she is playing hard to get. He loves a challenge and, to him, winning the heart of Tracy Robinson will be a treat like no other.

Can these two find a unique love or will one heart remain on reserve while one is searching for the unknown?

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

FEATURED AUTHOR: Lawrence Miquelon

Lawrence Miquelon is actually first and foremost a registered nurse. He has a wife and children, and has been working in the Intensive Care Unit with children for around twenty years already. He grew up in the presence of a number of ministries, and continues to participate in missions together with his family and friends.  He was raised in Southern California and enjoys nature and running barefoot long distances on asphalt, sidewalks and trails. Having been raised his entire life in the church; he saw the shortcomings of himself and others that are all too common.  Something personal, deeply spiritual and simple happened in himself and his family. He felt compelled to write a book that illustrates a level of intimate spirituality that seems almost too good to be true and is occurring to ordinary people today.  He explains, "It's as though I have stumbled upon a hidden treasure of which only a small percentage of believers are aware. The book I've written is a portal into that treasure."
How did you start out your writing career?
I began with a simple desire to communicate to others the beautiful things happening to myself and family.  I’ve always enjoyed documenting my vacation trips and little day adventures.  Spiritual adventures are a bit more difficult to relate. Sometimes things happen to people and often their story is lost due to forgetfulness, or to simply not writing it down.  Like a once in a lifetime vacation, I felt compelled to share a story that is happening to a relatively small group of people.

What did you learn while writing this book? 

Writing a book is a far more involved process than I thought, initially. I found that I really enjoy the privilege of taking the reader on a journey, thought by thought, to the final destination.  I also learned that one never stops learning. This is obvious to most but somehow it is always a sort of revelation to me. 

What did you hope to accomplish with this book? 

I hope to open people’s eyes to the spiritual reality that belongs to us all.  It is sad to see people struggle in their attempts to seek or please God, or beat themselves up for failure.  The reality displayed in this book is something I would have wanted shared with me, had it been known in my earlier years. 

What came first with this story, the characters or the plot? Why? 

I guess it really was the characters.  The book of Hosea, from the Bible, is shocking in what in conveys.  The central character is drawn from that book, and placed in a contemporary setting.

What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?

The biggest surprise is that writing a book is the easy part.  There are so many other aspects regarding online presence and media that is required for an author today.

What aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?

I love the simple joy of seeing what is my soul materializing on paper, and people being touched by it.  I really don’t hate anything about it.  I could say I dislike at times being a little obsessed with what I am writing.  But even that has positives and can be constructive to the writing itself, but maybe not to my sleep.

What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?

I wish I had done a little more research before I launched my project.  Often the material that someone reads can be quite dated, not reflecting changes to publishing and marketing even in the last few years.  It is important to write, relax, and come back later and reread it again and again.  There is no shortcut.  Always be open to advice from all sources and recheck that info online.  Everything can be questioned and researched for free. 

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer? 

One do is to write a lot.  Even daily journaling will hone your skill.  Don’t get discouraged.  The most important thing is that you believe in your work. 

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand? 

Writing is like music.  I like to give music full attention so as to swallow every morsel of sound and to appreciate the song as a whole.  Writing should be taken in the same way.

Tell us something few know about you?

Though I identify myself simply as ‘Christian,’ Orthodox Christianity in its various forms fascinates me.

When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy running barefoot in hills, mountains and streets. I’ve run multiple marathons barefoot and in my sport I subscribe to much of the mentality depicted in the book, Born to Run.

What do you do to interact with your readers?

To interact with readers I am on Facebook and Twitter.  I am also on Goodreads, which is sort of like a Facebook for authors and readers.

Our theme for this month is NON FICTION. What was the last non fiction you read?

Born to Run

Who was the first author you ever met?

It is hard to say.  Recently I would say it is John Crowder.

Oprah always asks, what do you know for sure?

Jesus loves me beyond my comprehension. This is a fact as well as a tangible, experiential, reality.

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

I am not pursuing another book yet.  I am enjoying the rest that comes from the ultimate author, God Himself.

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

Readers can contact me on Facebook (Romance Eternelle), (Type in Lawrence Miquelon or the title of the book) or at my website: or email:

A young woman in France finds her heart broken and seeks solace from her sister.  Reluctantly seeking help from a monk, she has an unusual dining experience.  He discloses a tale that feels like a veil being lifted from her eyes.  Involving a prostitute and a priest, this story captivates and entices the young lady.  The otherworldly descriptions of grace and the Holy Spirit prove to be her undoing, challenging what she thought she already knew.  Her intimacy lost proves to be a doorway to that which often people can only dream.  

Promotional Video:

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

FEATURED AUTHOR: Danyelle Scroggins

Danyelle Scroggins is the author of Not Until You're Ready, His Mistress or God's Daughter?, and The Power of Pain & Evonta’s Revenge Part One & Two (eBooks). Behind this great woman, is a life story of pain and promise which led her to the reality of who she is in Christ. It is this reality that has caused Danyelle to write books that are designed to usher change in the lives of God's children; especially His daughters.

Danyelle studied Theology at Louisiana Baptist University, and holds a Psychology Degree from the University of Phoenix. She is currently working to build Danyelle Scroggins Ministries, a ministry in which she founded and is the platform by which she mixes real life truths, pure realities, and much compassion to deliver a message saturated in the perfected love of God, and showered in the glorious awareness of God's grace. She is the Co-Pastor of New Vessels Ministries, where she works beside her husband Pastor Reynard Scroggins and the mother of three wonderful young adults Raiyawna, Dobrielle, & Dwight Gatlin Jr. and two awesome step-sons Reynard & Gabriel Scroggins. She and her family currently reside in Louisiana.

How did you start out your writing career?

The night I met my present husband I told him that I wanted to write. I showed him some of my poems and he told me, “When we get married, I want you to stay at home and write.” We married six months from the day we met and my first book was self-published that same year.

What did you learn while writing this book?

I learned how corporations and non-profits are structured and how churches can be found and owned solely by their founders.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

Mainly that God has a plan for our lives and in spite of the negativity or detours we take~ leading us off the course, His will ultimately will be done in our lives.

What came first with this story, the characters or the plot? Why?

It was indeed the character because Destiny was truly a depiction of my life and it started out as a short story ten years ago. My grandmother was the guiding source and even after she died, I saw evidence of her strong presence and guidance in my life. It honors the life of grandmothers who preach and teach Jesus and are the example of holiness.

What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?

Women all over the world will read your book before they read their bibles. This has obligated me to share the message of God’s love and grace through my books.

What aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?

I love the flow or zone I’m in when the story is being birth and I absolutely detest the editing! I am a country girl and my writing exposes that. My editor stays on me about writing how I speak and it drives me nuts!

What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?

I wished I’d known the importance of marketing. I would have taken more marketing courses. I also wished I would have surrounded myself with like-minded people, and taken out the time to have fully understood the business of books before I gave my first work to undeserving people.

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a write?

Do believe in the gift you’ve been given and don’t allow denials to block your destiny.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

That writing is a gift and like with any other gifts we’ve been blessed to have or seen in others, cultivating the gift takes time, a believing heart, and patience to know that God will make room for your gift. As authors, we share our gifts and it’s as important as any other gift out there!

Tell us something few know about you?

I can’t stand horror films….so Stephen King is not one of my favorite people.

When you’re not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?

That’s simple READ! You can almost put your money on me when it comes to reading a book. Whether it’s my Bible, a Christian book, a romance novel, an Anne Mazer kid book….I’m always reading. I still believe reading is essential.

What do you do to interact with your readers?

I try to make sure I’m blogging or answering my own emails constantly. I use Face Book and my very own website as means of connecting with my readers.

Our theme for this month is NON FICTION. What was the last nonfiction you read?

The last nonfiction I read is Battle for the Mind by Noel Jones and Dr. Georgianna A. Land. It was truly a dynamic work and I really truly enjoyed it.

Who was the first author you ever met?

Oh my goodness. I’ve had the distinct opportunity of meeting so many authors but the one author who I met that made an impact was Dr. Weldon Adams who wrote “Power in the Christian Witness.”

Oprah always asks, what do you know for sure?

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and He lives!

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

My next book is entitled “Put It in Ink”. It’s about a brother who has his own radio station and starts a blog talk radio show called Put It in Ink with host Sappora Ink.

How can readers get in contact with you?

They can email me at, visit my website at, call me at 318-933-2164, friend me Facebook, or twitter @PastorDanyelle.

Destiny finally realizes…………..

Destiny Barnes was finally accepting the fact that Faith Temple Cathedral belonged to her after the death of her grandparents, and the church she loved is now without a pastor but not for long. As she and her two best friends deal with church, marriage, divorce, and secrets, she learns that God is truly in control.
First Lady Lora Barnes was sure of two things before she died; she had to find a pastor for Faith Temple Cathedral and a husband for her granddaughter Destiny.  And she was absolutely sure that when she found Roderick Prince Strong, he was not only the perfect pastor, but the perfect match for her granddaughter.

……..that her Destiny is securely wrapped around Jeremiah 29:11………..

Pastor Roderick Prince Strong an Atlanta native knows his ministry is for hurting people and finds himself drawn to Shreveport, Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina and a conversation with First Lady Lora Barnes. Even though his mother Queen is not happy about the decision, she gives Roderick her blessings but prays that above anything else, he would find a wife. Can Destiny let go of her fear of commitment and dedicate her life to Faith Temple Cathedral in a roll other than owner?

God’s Plan and Not Her Own!

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Monday, August 20, 2012


Ms. Cinsearae S. is the Editor/Publisher of award-winning Dark Gothic Resurrected Magazine and a cover artist for Damnation Books and independent authors. Author of The Abraxas Series, Boleyn: Tudor Vampire, and In The Beginning (published through Black Bed Sheet Books), Cinsearae is an avid lover of all things gothic, Halloween, and is a huge Vincent Price fan. She lives with her husband and two rat terriers, aptly named Hades and Chaos. Visit her at  and friend her on Facebook and Twitter.

How did you start out your writing career?

I didn’t really recognize it as a ‘career’ at first. In the early 90’s while in college, instead of writing for myself, I suddenly wanted my writing to be more recognized, so I began submitting poetry and short stories to small press magazines, most of them hit-or-miss, and I often didn’t appreciate the arrogant and snobbish attitudes of some of the so-called editors. The submission process and ‘waiting time’ also quickly lost its luster for me, all of which gave me the fuel for my fire to start my own magazine, Dark Gothic, especially after hearing about so many other writers going through the same aggravations and pitfalls I did in getting their work ‘out there’. That whole ‘playing God’ routine with a person’s writing ticked me off  and I wanted to help other writers by letting my magazine be a ‘stepping stone’ for them in the literary world. With the conveniences of Print-on-demand publishing, Dark Gothic got a revamping in 2005 and became Dark Gothic Resurrected, having won a few awards from Predators & Editors these past few years.

As for my own writing, I started getting heavy with writing novels around 2004, began publishing them through print-on-demand in 2005 as well  (my storefront is here), and have received lots of positive reviews for my work. I’m also published traditionally, but I’m having way too much fun carving out my own niche independently in the paranormal/horrorl genres.

What did you learn while writing this book?

That I like to convey special messages through my work, no matter how scary or funny the subjects of those books may be. For Diary of a Vampire Stripper, I have messages of self-realization, love, friendship, family and trust. I’m glad people are enjoying the darkly humorous aspects of the book, as well as the friendship and love aspects.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

I have a pretty dark sense of humor sometimes, and it shows up a lot in this novel. I’m hoping I can give others the chance to laugh, even the darkest of situations. Facing adversity with a level head, albeit with a bit snarky, dark humor, felt like the right way to go.

What came first with this story, the characters or the plot? Why?

Actually, the MC’s voice popped into my head during that stage of wakefulness and sleep. She was telling me her story, so I had to get up and start writing it down! I had no idea it would turn out as weird and crazy as it did, lol. I think it’s safe to say that both the characters and plot came to me at once.

What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?

It’s not as easy as it may seem. You have to put forth a lot of dedication, hard work and patience to produce a book presentable to the masses. Then there’s the stage of promotion/marketing, with is another task all its own!

What aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?

Just getting my words down, really getting into that world I created expressly for my characters, and putting them into all sorts of strange predicaments and seeing how they come out of them the is the most fun. I learn a lot about my characters, and even myself, along the way. Editing runs a close tie to promotions when it comes to my least favorite part of writing.

What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?

Making contacts and networking in the industry, and that I had utilized social media much more than I did before.

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?

Network, network, network! Don’t be afraid to get your name out there. And never be arrogant. Negative things about you will always spread much, much faster than the good things, and could ruin you in a heartbeat.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

Writing is an art. Authors put their blood, sweat and tears into creating something for you to enjoy. It’s like handing over their baby to the world to be scrutinized, and authors should be commended for being so brave. And pirating an author’s work IS stealing. How would you feel is someone took your paycheck out of your hand the second you received it? That’s that same thing you do when you’re pirating authors books.

Tell us something few know about you?

As much as I love horror, Regan’s crabwalk scene down the staircase in ‘The Exorcist’ STILL creeps me the heck out…

When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?

I love walking through parks with my hubby and dogs. Being outdoors grounds me and replenishes me, and I love taking photographs along the way! I also love creating digital art, and creating one-of-kind creepy dolls, and jewelry crafting. I even set up an Etsy shop for my hobby, and on Facebook too--- it’s getting to be pretty addictive!

What do you do to interact with your readers?

I’m on Facebook; that’s the main vein for my interaction. J I’m also in a few yahoo/facebook groups, LinkdIn, and BranchOut.

Our theme for this month is NON FICTION.  What was the last nonfiction you read?

Sadly, between having the magazine, designing book covers for the publishing company I work with, working on my novels and creating jewelry and dolls for my shop, I don’t get the chance to leisurely read anymore. I’ll get a few short novellas in if I’m reviewing them for my magazine, but that’s about it. I do prefer to read more nonfiction than fiction, though. The last non-fiction book I read was Weird Pennsylvania.

Who was the first author you ever met?

I haven’t met a well-known author yet, but the very first actor I met was Tony Todd. Really cool guy, and really should be seen more in the horror industry.

Oprah always asks, what do you know for sure?

That nothing is certain except death and taxes…

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

I’m working on Diary of a Vampire Stripper II: Choices as we speak, but as for a sneak peek,  just check back on the book’s webpage ---I’ll have a new teaser trailer up very shortly for part II, along with a download for the opening chapter!

How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)

They can reach me via email at my website, , or friend me on Facebook,  And thank you so very much for having me here today!

Her best friend is a werewolf. Her boyfriend is a ghoul. And she really, REALLY can’t stand her vampire husband.
Trying to juggle college tuition and rent, young Audra Perez seeks a fast fix to her financial woes by auditioning as a stripper for the Hoochie Coochie Club. What she didn’t expect was to actually be chosen! Barely a few months into her new job, she becomes acquainted with a mysterious, distinguished gentleman by the name of Darren Von Eldon, and they secretly begin dating against club rules. Then one passionate night at his beach house changes Audra’s life forever.
            Now as a newly-awakened vampire, this only adds to her day-to-day mundane burdens. Refusing to drain humans, she hunts birds for nourishment, and finagles a way to avoid going to classes during the day. But bigger problems loom ahead. Radical cops that know about her kind roam the night, seeking to destroy any and all ‘monsters’, and her best friend’s family has a bone to pick with Audra’s. Headless bodies are turning up on vamp and were turf, each side blaming the other for the murders. It’s up to Audra and her friend Lu to figure out who’s doing the killings, and their search leads them beneath the city streets to encounter an abomination neither one of them will ever forget.
And the relationship issues? Well, it’s not easy dealing with a boyfriend and a vampire husband, so let’s not even go there…

Book Trailer

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Friday, August 17, 2012


Jamala has been writing for 30 years. She currently resides in the Atlanta, Georgia Metro with her husband and two daughters. She relocated to Atlanta from a small town in South Carolina. She reads almost anything and writes mainly fiction. She dabbles in poetry, prose and other non-fiction work. She has been published in regional magazines and newsletters. She is working on a medical book and another collection of short stories, which will be her third collection. She enjoys, reading, singing and obviously, writing. Her newest pastime is playing with her grandson. She is a simple person, who likes simple things. As a child, Jamala, always saw herself as an author, though she could never determine what kinds of books she wrote. She loves fiction, but there are a few subjects which are “dear to my heart” and sometimes she writes about these. She actively works with the National MS Society and is a religious person. Jamala believes everything good will take hard work and is worth having, especially if it benefits others.

 How did you start out your writing career?

 I used to make up stories to tell my children and they encouraged me to publish the stories. But, my first book was poetry (had to get my feet wet).

 What did you learn while writing this book?

In writing the short story collection, I learned that my imagination is endless. I kept coming up with new plot twists and had to scale things down.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

I wanted to make my children proud of me and I want to see my name on a book.

What came first with this story, the characters or the plot?

Why? The characters came first. I took situation that I heard of or experienced and made up a story and that is why the plot came second. I can always come up with a story around a personality.

What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?

The love and support from readers. As a reader, I never dreamed that I would experience the same things that I felt, one day.

 What aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?

I love developing the outline for a story. I hate distractions when I am writing (phone, door, persons walking into the room and talking).

What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?

1.      More about the business of writing

2.      How to start my own publishing company

3.      How enjoyable the feeling of accomplishment can be

Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?

Do: Write everyday with small attainable goals in mind.

Don’t: Get discouraged and let others “piss on your fire”.

What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?

That writing is a business. Sure, you can do it because that is what you love to do, but selling books, takes hard work and they will not just fly off the shelves just because they are published.

Tell us something few know about you?

I’ve always wanted an older brother.

When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?

Read, cook, sing (around the house) and most of all play with my grandson.

 What do you do to interact with your readers?

Post excerpts from the book and respond to each email or guestbook signing personally. I ask the readers for suggestions and comments because I want to hear what they have to say. It is important to me. I will begin having book signings next month and this will give readers a chance to meet me in person.

Our theme for this month is NON FICTION.  What was the last non fiction you read?

I read a book called “What Does the Bible Really Teach?”

Who was the first author you ever met?

Michael Baisden

Oprah always asks, what do you know for sure?

I know that writing is a part of me and can never be taken away.

Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?

Yes. My next book is a collection of short stories set around the staff and workers of a warehouse. It will be called Warehouse Chronicles.

 How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)


The new website will be published soon (old website:!

In Because I Love You, Denise married her high school sweetheart, but things have changed over the years. Has the love of her life become a different person? Did she turn a blind eye or was she just plain stupid? Friends are great to have. Leslie and her husband have a good friend and Leslie is committed to her family, but other people have their own plans for her life. Wonder what they have in store? Ray’s Aunt has died and Samantha has tried everything, now there is nothing left to do but let him know how she feels. Who will walk away from this Funeral Weekend?

Sometimes we have too much on our minds to sleep. In Sleepless Morning, Adrienne wants this man so bad she can taste it and she knows he wants her, too. She finally gets him, but can she keep him? In Its My Money, Jessica has always been self-sufficient, but did she put her trust in the wrong man? Tasha loved her job and her boss loved her. How will she handle things with him at The Shop?

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Can I help you create an online marketing plan?

I know marketing can be a pain in the butt.

I’m here to ease a little of your pain.

Let me create an online marketing plan tailored just for you.

I will give you ten things to do each month to take the guess work out of how to promote your book online.

I will make it fun and all you have to do is execute the plan.

Does this sound like something you would like to do?

Contact me at for my rates.

I look forward to working with you.

LaShaunda C. Hoffman

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

BLOG TOUR: Unresolved Issues Virtual Book Tour

Tell us about Unresolved Issues.

Stacelyn thought her life was complete the day she married Dr. Derrick Garrison. The fairytale life she envisioned quickly vanishes, however, when Derrick’s late nights and unexplained absences cause her to question his motives for marrying her. As secrets from the past and emotional wounds are revealed, Stacelyn discovers the hard way that it takes more than love to build a marriage.

Alone and bitter after Derrick’s sudden departure, Stacelyn is forced to face hard truths about the man she married. In the process, she discovers her own unresolved issues.

How did you come up with ideas for this book?

Leading a Couple’s Ministry for ten years gave me plenty of story ideas. My personal life was a great resource as well.

What do you hope readers will learn/discover from reading Unresolved Issues?

I want readers to understand that marriage is more than just a passing thought or the “in” thing to do. Secrets cause wounds and can destroy individuals.  Open and honest communication is the key to any relationship.

Do you have upcoming events for readers? Please tell us.

In addition to the blog tour and monthly book club discussions, I am honored to be featured in an Empowerment Author’s Luncheon with literary greats: Kimberla Lawson Roby, Victoria Christopher Murray and Pat G’orge –Walker.

What's next for you?

I plan to write until the ideas cease. My next Urban Christian novel, Doin’ Me, is scheduled for May 2013.

Where can readers find you online?

About the Book

The fairytale life she envisioned quickly vanishes, however, when Derrick’s late nights and unexplained absences cause her to question his motives for marrying her. As secrets from the past and emotional wounds are revealed, Stacelyn discovers the hard way that it takes more than love to build a marriage.

Alone and bitter after Derrick’s sudden departure, Stacelyn is forced to face hard truths about the man she married. In the process, she discovers her own unresolved issues.

Will the revelations drive her to her knees, or send her seeking comfort from the enemy?

About the Author

Wanda B. Campbell is an extraordinary and talented writer who brings creativity, a new sense of hope, and restoration through the healing power of God to the Kingdom, by way of Christian fiction. She uses real life everyday issues to exhort, motivate, and give comfort.

Wanda B. Campbell believes there is nothing too hard for God and through His love and power; He can heal you in EVERY area you hurt. Wanda believes with God’s help our darkest time can become our brightest moments. Her primary mission is to encourage everyone to experience the unfailing love of Christ. Wanda is not limited by race, age, sex, denomination or organization; believing the liberation that comes from Christ is free to all.

Wanda B. Campbell’s literary achievements include: Mommy’s Present, a short story appearing in the anthology The Midnight Clear, November 2006, First Sunday in October, January 2007, Crusin for Christ I Short Story Contest winner with Illusions, which landed a multi-book deal with Urban Christian. Illusions, the novel, February 2009,Right Package, Wrong Baggage, August 2010, and Silver Lining, August 2011. Her fourth novel, Unresolved Issues, is scheduled for release August 2012.

Wanda is a two-time winner of the Urban Reviews Top Shelf Book Award, two-time winner of Coffee Time Romance’s Critical Review Award, and a three-time Black Expressions Book Club Bestselling Author. She has appeared on the BCNN1/BCBC National Bestselling List multiple times and was nominated at the 2011 African American Literary Awards Show in the Christian Fiction category.

Wanda is a mother of three and currently resides in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband of twenty-two years and two sons and enjoys spending time with her grandson.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

The Wisdom Blog Tour

About the Author Shon was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio for 25 years and in 2004 moved to Phoenix, Arizona with his family. He is happily married for ten years to Londina and has two children. Shon is the owner of Never Again Ministries which promote Marriage Enhancement and Holistic Relationships in God. He's an Author, Speaker, Ordained Minister, Mentor and radio personality for "The Doctor of Love" show. He is a certified Marriage Coach and the "Marriage Works" series from AACC (American Association of Christian Counselors). Shon is a fan of NFL football and UFC fights.


About the Book

Everyone desires to be wise, but the truth is it doesn’t come naturally for many. Wisdom must be sought after. Wisdom must be practiced. Wisdom must be a goal for every day of life. Shon ‘Doctor of Love’ Hyneman has made the attainment of godly wisdom a priority in his life and his marriage, and now he’s sharing the treasures gained during his journey with others through his new book Wisdom: Preventing Problems Before They Happen.

Wisdom: Preventing Problems Before They Happen highlights Shon’s passion for marriages. He desires to see two whole and healthy individuals cleave together to create a union that blesses their partnership, their relatives and friends, their community and ultimately the world at large.

Shon values transparency. In Wisdom: Preventing Problems Before They Happen he gives an up close and personal look at his approach to various relationships and marriage outside of the safeguards of Godly wisdom. This sincerity gives hope and encouragement that with a renewed mind a lifestyle of blessing is birthed. There’s no better time than the present to grab hold of wisdom with all your heart, mind and soul and intentionally create a marriage relationship that so glorifies God its remnants echo through eternity.

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Book Excerpt: “When smarts and wisdom is applied one can help improve others as well as himself. With wisdom you can get to the heart of a person and in the process a relationship is developed because you showed them that you care.”

Author Interview

Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a Husband of ten years, Father, Mentor and Owner of Never Again Ministries which promote Marriage Enhancement and Holistic Relationships. My Wife and I host the Doctor of Love Show on Three different stations.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

In my latest book WISDOM: Preventing Problems before They Happen the overall message is to help people cut back on making bad decisions. Don’t get me wrong, we all make mistakes but if there is someone who can mentor us from making bad decisions, apply the wisdom that others give to you.

What is the most challenging part of being an indie author?

What is the most rewarding part of being an indie author? The most challenging part of being an indie author is getting others to see the vision that is birthed within you. When you don’t have others backing you or you don’t have the big name to match, it takes more time for others to buy into what you are writing.

What made you decide to become an author?

I like to talk a lot! I figured if I can put all my thoughts and ideas on paper it will become more valuable to those who read my books.

When did you begin writing with the intention of becoming published?

I started writing my first book If You Apply These Principles in 2008. Then I went on to get published by the company Lulu.

Please tell us the titles of your current book (s): And give a brief synopsis

-If You Apply These Principles: God Is More Practical Than We Think (2008) I used a lot of Bible Scripture from the book of Proverbs on the practicality of God and how God require work to be done on our behalf to be successful.

-It’s The Woman You Gave Me (2009) how we can get past blaming others for past hurts and disappointments from parents, friends, spouses, and situations. Notice how the blame game started with Adam and Eve in the garden. Since the beginning of time it’s been an issue even until today.

-3 Are Even Better (2010) eight week workbook for married couples and benefits of God being the head of your marriage. The title came from the book of Ecclesiates 4:12 we discuss topics from money, sex, how to affair proof your marriage to blended families.

-WISDOM: Preventing Problems before they happen (2012) Refer back to question number one for synopsis

What one positive piece of advice would you give to other authors?

Don’t quit when things get tough and get connected to others who have the same goals as you. Networking with other authors is a powerful tool. Also support other authors and understand it’s not always about you and your work.

Tell us about your journey to publication.

For me it was tough because I didn’t know any other published authors when I wrote my first book. I just did the best I could and let the cards fall. But as time went on publishing became easier.

What next for you?

We are hosting our first “3 are even better” Marriage Retreat in Payson, Arizona this fall and the release of my new book WISDOM: Preventing problems before they happen

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