Danyelle studied Theology at Louisiana Baptist University, and holds a Psychology Degree from the University of Phoenix. She is currently working to build Danyelle Scroggins Ministries, a ministry in which she founded and is the platform by which she mixes real life truths, pure realities, and much compassion to deliver a message saturated in the perfected love of God, and showered in the glorious awareness of God's grace. She is the Co-Pastor of New Vessels Ministries, where she works beside her husband Pastor Reynard Scroggins and the mother of three wonderful young adults Raiyawna, Dobrielle, & Dwight Gatlin Jr. and two awesome step-sons Reynard & Gabriel Scroggins. She and her family currently reside in Louisiana.
How did you start out your writing career?
The night I met my present husband I told him that I wanted to write. I showed him some of my poems and he told me, “When we get married, I want you to stay at home and write.” We married six months from the day we met and my first book was self-published that same year.
What did you learn while writing this book?
I learned how corporations and non-profits are structured and how churches can be found and owned solely by their founders.
What did you hope to accomplish with this book?
Mainly that God has a plan for our lives and in spite of the negativity or detours we take~ leading us off the course, His will ultimately will be done in our lives.
What came first with this story, the characters or the plot? Why?
It was indeed the character because Destiny was truly a depiction of my life and it started out as a short story ten years ago. My grandmother was the guiding source and even after she died, I saw evidence of her strong presence and guidance in my life. It honors the life of grandmothers who preach and teach Jesus and are the example of holiness.
What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?
Women all over the world will read your book before they read their bibles. This has obligated me to share the message of God’s love and grace through my books.
What aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?
I love the flow or zone I’m in when the story is being birth and I absolutely detest the editing! I am a country girl and my writing exposes that. My editor stays on me about writing how I speak and it drives me nuts!
What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?
I wished I’d known the importance of marketing. I would have taken more marketing courses. I also wished I would have surrounded myself with like-minded people, and taken out the time to have fully understood the business of books before I gave my first work to undeserving people.
Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a write?
Do believe in the gift you’ve been given and don’t allow denials to block your destiny.
What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
That writing is a gift and like with any other gifts we’ve been blessed to have or seen in others, cultivating the gift takes time, a believing heart, and patience to know that God will make room for your gift. As authors, we share our gifts and it’s as important as any other gift out there!
Tell us something few know about you?
I can’t stand horror films….so Stephen King is not one of my favorite people.
When you’re not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?
That’s simple READ! You can almost put your money on me when it comes to reading a book. Whether it’s my Bible, a Christian book, a romance novel, an Anne Mazer kid book….I’m always reading. I still believe reading is essential.
What do you do to interact with your readers?
I try to make sure I’m blogging or answering my own emails constantly. I use Face Book and my very own website as means of connecting with my readers.
Our theme for this month is NON FICTION. What was the last nonfiction you read?
The last nonfiction I read is Battle for the Mind by Noel Jones and Dr. Georgianna A. Land. It was truly a dynamic work and I really truly enjoyed it.
Who was the first author you ever met?
Oh my goodness. I’ve had the distinct opportunity of meeting so many authors but the one author who I met that made an impact was Dr. Weldon Adams who wrote “Power in the Christian Witness.”
Oprah always asks, what do you know for sure?
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and He lives!
Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?
My next book is entitled “Put It in Ink”. It’s about a brother who has his own radio station and starts a blog talk radio show called Put It in Ink with host Sappora Ink.
How can readers get in contact with you?
They can email me at info@danyellescroggins.com, visit my website at www.danyellescroggins.com, call me at 318-933-2164, friend me Facebook, or twitter @PastorDanyelle.
Destiny finally realizes…………..
Barnes was finally accepting the fact that Faith Temple Cathedral belonged to
her after the death of her grandparents, and the church she loved is now
without a pastor but not for long. As she and her two best friends deal with
church, marriage, divorce, and secrets, she learns that God is truly in
Lady Lora Barnes was sure of two things before she died; she had to find a
pastor for Faith Temple Cathedral and a husband for her granddaughter
Destiny. And she was absolutely sure
that when she found Roderick Prince Strong, he was not only the perfect pastor,
but the perfect match for her granddaughter.
……..that her Destiny is
securely wrapped around Jeremiah 29:11………..
Roderick Prince Strong an Atlanta native knows his ministry is for hurting
people and finds himself drawn to Shreveport, Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina
and a conversation with First Lady Lora Barnes. Even though his mother Queen is
not happy about the decision, she gives Roderick her blessings but prays that
above anything else, he would find a wife. Can Destiny let go of her fear of
commitment and dedicate her life to Faith Temple Cathedral in a roll other than
God’s Plan and Not Her Own!
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