Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Blood Done Signed My Name Virtual Tour with M. Ann Ricks

Getting to Know More about M. Ann Ricks

What can we expect from you in the future?

It is my hope to continue to assist other Christian writers with my literary workshop for aspiring Christian writers called, “Conversations…. Writing to Reconcile”. I had the wonderful opportunity to share it regionally but would love to be afforded a venue that could allow me to do so nationally. As believers in Christ it is our mandate to reconcile others to God. Using our literary gifts is certainly one way we can accomplish that awesome task. Additionally, for all who are interested, I distribute electronically, (on-line), a monthly newsletter, M. Ann’s Literary Communiqué and prayerfully it will continue to increase in circulation. Lastly, I’ve begun my 4th novel, The SHIFT!

How do we find out about you and your books? Please feel free to visit my website www.mannricks.net. Interested readers may find all of my novels on all online literary establishments. (i.e.: www.amazon.com / www.bn.com).

How may readers contact you?

For speaking engagements, Literary Dialogues and book club gatherings, or simply to provide feedback, please feel free to contact me directly using: Godsauthor@mannricks.net. I also have an Author’s Page on Facebook: M. Ann Ricks Literary Creations.

Are there any words of encouragement for unpublished writers?

Firstly, one must believe in their gift and talent. Rejection is part of the process but persistence is the key. I have learned that what God has started in me, He is obligated to finish and I will be successful. If He has called you to it… He will see you through it!! As an author, your assignment is to write, God will send people for your life. The other aspects; promotion, marketing, notoriety and money will come… Seek ye first the Kingdom, (seek to do God’s will) and everything else will be added!

What question would you love to answer that I didn't ask?

There is one question… People write for so many reasons so the question would be for me to finish this statement:” I became a writer because”… I am a writer because creating and sharing stories of faith, His unconditional and unending love will change lives and provide spiritual revelation thus augmenting the Kingdom of God. I believe this is what God has purposed for my life and I am determined to walk in my purpose!

This is such a wonderful opportunity and I certainly thank you so very for this interview! I feel amazingly BLESSED!!!

Answer the following question and be entered to win an autographed copy of The Blood Done Signed My Name: What did my husband tell me during one of my pity parties? Go to my website, www.mannricks.net 
to find the answer....And come back tomorrow to find out even more about me!

About the Author

M. Ann Ricks, a Christian Fiction novelist is the author of Awesome Wonder: The Gift of Remembrance , The Son and THE BLOOD DONE SIGNED MY NAME. She resides in Bear, Delaware and is a graduate of Rider University and formerly a national accounts insurance executive. Using Jesus Christ as her example, as He shared many parables, she creates stories with fictional characters who contend with real life issues and inserts the Word of God to communicate the genuine and unfailing love of God. She is honored to be used by God to spread His message with the stories she creates with the leading of the Holy Spirit, knowing that He will provide her with the stories that will lift up the name of Jesus as He promised that if He is lifted up, He will draw all men to Him. M. Ann is also what one may consider a motivational/inspirational speaker but prefers, “Godspirational” as one may only be truly inspired and transformed when hearing the uncompromised word of God.

About the Book

Are the sins of the father and mother visited upon their sons and daughters? Undoubtedly damaged, Honey Lamb is a descendant of a legacy of molestation, addiction, murder and bad decisions. As long as she could remember, she believed the unhappiness she experienced was bequeathed to her; almost as if her own blood tainted her DNA. Experiencing more than her share of misery, Honey believed she’d overcome her past when she married Mason. Unfortunately, unsettling memories emerge to crack the veneer of her happy existence. Feeling unable to escape what she believed to be her destiny, Honey makes a decision that may have ruined her life. Not realizing God places people in our lives, she embarks upon a journey that will open her heart to a divine inheritance. Will she accept what God has already given or shun the invitation of salvation, allowing her familial legacy to continue? Will she understand that Jesus redeemed us with a spiritual blood transfusion that could change us all?



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