Thursday, November 01, 2012

There Is a Miracle in 21: God Completes by Lorieen Henry

With a unique candor and glimpses of desperation, GOD allows Lorieen to use There is a Miracle in 21: GOD COMPLETES as therapy. Welcome to Lorieen’s therapy with GOD! Journey with her through the MESS to the MIRACLE! It is an unorthodox book where she shares her struggles while simultaneously pouring out her heart, hope, inspiration and encouragement as the Lord allows. Whether she is sharing feelings of inadequacy, confessing faults or sharing words of encouragement, she does it with a heart to glorify GOD.


Get Rid of the Bootleg

One day God said to me, ‘Quit watching the bootleg DVD and playing the bootleg CD of your life.’ Those of us who have watched a bootleg DVD or listened to a bootleg CD know that they are not always the best quality, nor did we pay full price for it. As God was speaking to me, He broke it down in the sense of ‘we tend to accept anything the enemy gives us and then we replay it over and over as if it was intended for us-as if it is the real thing.’

Somebody is thinking, ‘Bootleg . . . Bootleg . . . Bootleg, what does she mean?’ The bootleg version is the illegal . . . prohibited version. You either got it free from an illegal source, you burned or recorded it without permission, or you got it from some unauthorized vendor at knock-off price. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Bottom line, you did not make the full investment to obtain this product. You don’t own the rights nor do you have the right! You either wanted it prior to its release. You didn’t have the money to pay for it in the first place (which may be an indicator that you didn’t need it). Or you have that giving friend who wants to share it with you because they are the local illegal distributor.

Bootleg by definition means to produce, distribute, or sell without permission or illegally.

Everything free is not legal nor is it good for you. Look, I’m no one’s judge, but we need to really pray about the stuff we burn (music/movies that is). Are we stealing someone’s work when we burn a CD? And is it okay if it is gospel music? I’m just here to make you think. Many of us are guilty of bootlegging the Gospel. Some may disagree with me but remember, I am not pointing fingers. I’m merely pointing out that most CDs and DVDs, say, do not reprint or redistribute without consent.

Now that I have ‘gone there’about bootlegging, let me go back to my point in the first paragraph. God holds the master copy of your life’s DVD/CD. It is free if you accept Him. He wants to give you life and give you an abundant life at that. The devil’s bootleg copy of your life may portray a whole lot of glamour, glitter, and gold. Those things are temporal. Remember, the enemy is a lie and a cheat, so hecan’t be trusted. Nonetheless, the Almighty Godis offering ‘The Eternal’. When the enemy tells us something, sells us something, or gives us something, we gravitate toward it like it’s the real deal. He offers cheap thrills and makes promises he can’t keep. The devil is a bootleg artist, and he cannot give us things that He doesn’t have. Sure he can make it look like quality, but it is still bootleg. Stop investing in bootleg, in the evil one because he is a thief! Sure, the devil flashes the quick fix, easy money, and worldly happiness on the bootleg DVD. However, he never shows the pain after the party. We believe the lies of the enemy time and time again, just as we convince ourselves that bootleg DVDs/CDs are okay.

Do we stop and think about the heads at the bottom of the screen in a bootleg DVD or that it came out in another country first, but it was filmed in America? Oh, or do we just ignore the slight bounce in the picture because someone wasn’t holding the camera steady? Maybe the music has a barely noticeable five-second pause in the middle of the song. Glitches and picture quality get thrown out the window because we got a deal? There have been some technological advances in recent years, and bootleg products have been produced at higher quality. However, in most cases, we know what is legit. So let’s not forget it is stealing!

In the same regards, we can’t forget that the enemy is a thief. He steals, rerecords, and then plays back lies to us. We can’t become complacent with bootleg and not recognize that it is wrong. We have to recognize that the DVD/CD that the enemy plays for us is distorted. The enemy is on his job of destroying us. He wants us to watch his version of our lives because this allows him to deposit negativity and doubt into our spirit. You see our greed and lack of patience leads us down the tumultuous road of destruction. We are too busy trying to get stuff fast when we should be seeking God and investing in Him. Noooo, we don’t want to invest in the things of God. We have a hard time spending time in God’s Word, in praise to him, in prayer to Him so that we may receive His copy of our lives. Instead, we settle for low budget, an illegal release, or ill-advised release . . . the bootleg. The enemy sells it! We buy it and believe it to be true! Eventually, the bootleg becomes our reality. I don’t know if you realize it, but once you dabble in bootlegging, that person who sold it to you comes back faithfully. We have to be cautious about taking shortcuts in our budget by buying bootleg. Just as we can’t take shortcuts in our lives; it could cost us our souls. Join me in waiting on the Master’s copy of our lives, it’s worth the wait. We must be steadfast and wait on God!

Meet The Author
Lorieen Henry grew up in the small town of Flora, MS. Her parents Willie Lee Jackson, Jr. (deceased) and Karen M. Jackson instilled great morals and values in her and introduced her to Jesus as a child. She accepted Jesus as her Savior at the age of 7 and has been excited to share about him ever since.

Lorieen commissioned by God as an exhorter is a homemaker and a veteran of the United States Army. She graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi August 6, 1999 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Broadcast Journalism and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army that same day.

Lorieen served as an Army Logistics Officer for 8 years supporting both Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. She had the opportunity to travel the world by being stationed in Korea, Germany and Virginia as well as deployments to Hungary, Macedonia and Turkey (in support of Iraqi Freedom).

Since exiting the Army, Lorieen’s time has been devoted to her family, church and community. Lorieen is “Seasoned for this Season” and is fully aware that her Purpose = Impact!

Get to Know Lorieen:

What inspired you to write this book?

This book journey arose from discontentment in my life. The realization that I had become someone I didn’t want to be inspired the writing of this book. I was so unhappy with my situation until it hurt. I once had a pastor that always said, “Hurt people, hurt people”. I didn’t want to hurt others. However, I couldn’t recognize my blessings, and I felt as if I were being cursed. Therefore, during “my woe is me” session in September 2010, I had the epiphany of taking a 21-day journey in hopes of change. I quickly grasped that “Pain pounds out your purpose and propels you to your destiny if you dare to trust God to complete.” God took me from my messy state to my Miracle.

Is there one person outside of family members that played a significant role in your book journey?

My Prayer Partner is a true gem. Our daily fellowship is a fountain of life. Matthew 18:19 says again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. Her support and prayers were especially critical down the home stretch when I wanted to quit as well as during my reluctance to submit my completed manuscript to the publisher. This book is in the hands of readers because not only were people praying for me, but I had a prayer partner praying with me and speaking words of affirmation at every turn. The most memorable words that she spoke into my life are, “My Purpose = IMPACT!” Having a prayer partner has been a life changing experience. If you don’t already have a prayer partner, I encourage you to ask God to send you one. The relationship is like none other.

What’s your favorite part of your book?

My favorite part of the book is the letter to the reader on page 9. I love the letter because my goal is to usher in the presence of God even before the book is read. I feel that with the song, scripture and prayer the atmosphere is set for the Holy Spirit to take control. Let’s face it, I really didn’t know what I was doing as a writer. However, I knew that I needed to get my feelings out to become better and in doing so I must trust God to complete.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?

It would be my pleasure. Although my book is not a book of poetry, I had some poetic moments throughout. “Lord, It’s Me” is a poem that I feel many will be able to relate to.

LORD, It’s ME!

I’m afraid to be successful! What if I succeed?
As I travel down this road, I wonder where does it lead?
I feel guilty about my feelings! I know GOD wants me to have the best.
As I fight the demons in my head, I know that this is just a test.
Funny how I know what’s going on and ultimately who is in control.
But I must admit I sometimes give way to fear which delays me from reaching my goal.
Though my goal is delayed, I don’t quit, I continue to beat feet down this path.
Rising and falling! Falling and rising! The cycle is starting to get old.
So, I reach up toward the heavens and stretch my hands out to thee.
I say, “Lord, help your child, you know who it is …Lord, It’s ME!”

What message do you want readers to take away from this book?

You don’t have to be perfect or have it all together. But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you. (Matt.6: 33, KJV) If you try and fail, continue to seek. Don’t give up! You don’t have to fit a mold or covet someone else’s journey. Be YOU! God can take you to heights you never knew. He can use your uniqueness for His glory. Trust God to complete!

Do you have any advice for other writers?

WRITE! WRITE! WRITE! What may not be right for your current project just may be right for a future project. Then again, some things you have to write down as a vent. Other things that you write can serve as inspiration for yourself or for others. Everything you write doesn’t have to be placed in a book or for a specific project. However, at an appointed time, you will find that it was placed within you to share with someone. Our words breathe life if used Purposefully! Be responsible with what you write. Your writing may be the only words that make things right in someone’s world.

What’s next for you?

You can look for my 3rd title: “Seasoned for this Season” in December 2013. My 2nd title is already out. It is an E-devotional, “Dig In” (September 2012) which samples some of my writing from “There Is a Miracle in 21: God Completes!” Over the next 24 months, I will be busy with school. I’m pursuing a Master of Arts in Education as well as a Christian Life Coach Certification. I’m excited about what God is doing for me and my family. And as always, I will be encouraging others along the way and testifying of the goodness of Jesus.


Book Link:

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