Tuesday, June 11, 2013

BOOK OF THE DAY: Will Work For Food by Ruthie Robinson

A decade can be a long time in the life of a person -- more than enough time to recover from the loss of someone you loved. Lucas Quinn sure hoped so. He’d loved Sirena — crazy loved her — in that my-soul-mate-forever-after kind of love way, and it failed. Big-time failed. No worries, though, he moved on and out to California, restarted his life, started his company, and now he’s hugely successful, engaged to be married, and back in Austin, Texas. Finally, it’s time to make amends, to put his past behind him, to right a wrong, so that his future can be his own. Sirena Wilson is the co- founder for Will Work For Food, a non-profit that supports the homeless population in and around Austin. It’s her life, and she’s proud of it. It’s safe and comfortable, complete with girlfriends — so what if they are all over the age of seventy? It’s where she belongs—on the shelf—right along with them. She has her career, her little old lady friends to take care of, and they in turn take care of her. It’s enough, right? She’s been there and done that with the love thing, travelled that path before, and all it did was leave her alone and hurt. No way was she ever going back to that period in her life. But now Lucas is back in town, bringing with him all those old, not-so-buried hurts, along with her not-so-buried, long ago love for him, making her question everything. Again.

Ruthie Robinson resides in Austin, TX with her husband and two teenage children. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Clark College and a master’s degree in economics from the University of Texas in Austin (Hook ‘em horns!). She worked for more than a decade in the banking industry before turning her love of stories into a second career.

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