Wednesday, June 19, 2013

SORMAG ONLINE CONFERENCE - Would you like to be on a panel?

SORMAG will be hosting it's online conference this year and would like to invite you to be a member on one of our panels.

The panels will be hosted online on SORMAG's blog and over the phone. Each require participation from presenters to reply to questions or comments.


When: November 1-3, 2013

Where: Online - SORMAG's blog -

Time: All Day


Below is the tentative schedule:

Pick six panels and send to:

By June 30th.

DAY 1 - New Writers

Online Panels - These panels will be hosted on the blog.

1. Editing
2. Turning an Idea into a Book
3. Ask The Author - Share your writing knowledge
4. Creating An Ebook - 6 slots

Live Panels - These panels will be hosted live on the phone.

1. How to Start a Street Team - 7pm central time
2. How To Start a Writer's Group - 8 pm central time
3. The Business Side Of Writing - 9 pm central time

DAY 2 - Readers

Online Panels - These panels will be hosted on the blog.

1. Meet The Christian Author
2. Meet The Romance Author
3. Meet The Mainstream Author
4. Meet The Urban Author

Live Panels - These panels will be hosted live on the phone.

1. How to Review A Book - 4pm central time
2. How To Keep A Book Club Going - 5 pm central time
3. Social Media and Readers - 6 pm central time

DAY 3 - Published Authors

Online Panel - These panels will be hosted on the blog.

1. Using Kindle Author Platform
2. Writing Sequels
3. Blog Tour Providers
4. Networking

Live Panels - These panels will be hosted live on the phone.

1. How To Work With a Book Club - 4 pm central time
2. Indie Publishing Panel - 5 pm central time
3. Marketing - 6 pm central time

Feel free to forward to someone who might be interested in being on a panel.

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