Friday, August 16, 2013

COVER AUTHOR: Dr. Linda Beed

Linda Beed is an author, educator, speaker, storyteller and children’s minister. She earned her Master of Theology (Magna Cum Laude) and Doctorate of Religious Education from A. L. Hardy Academy of Theology where she is now faculty emeritus.

She is the founder and president of On Assignment Publications.

Dr. Linda is the founder and president of The Write Plan a course for those seeking to become writers and to learn the business side of the craft. In support for others she has shared her articles at Shades of Romance Online Magazine, Blogging in Black and is co-moderator of Real Sister Writers.

Her one-woman presentation, ‘Tell Them’ relays the last day of Carol Denise McNair, the youngest victim of the 1963 Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama. Coupled with a carefully developed workshop the presentation serves to encourage children to seek to make a difference. The adult version speaks to the necessity of nurturing our children toward purpose.

Business Unusual brought Bernadette Lewis and Hayes Davis together. Through the Fire brings the face-to-face with what most consider insurmountable obstacles challenge more than their march toward the altar.

The Hayes Davis who left Seattle is not the man who returns…

He has a new outlook on life that leads him to believe he has become the man Bernadette Lewis deserves to marry. Hayes is also a man with more than normal vision; he has the ability to periodically see the future of people and situations. It is a gift that both encourages and causes him to question his desires. Unfortunately what he desires and what transpires are two different things.

When his seemingly perfect world begins to crumble, Hayes discovers how far he is willing to go to protect the ones he loves. Within a short period of time Hayes’ desire to marry, support his community and lend a hand to one in need, leads to the unbelievable. When Hayes is accused of a horrendous crime, he loses custody of the children he has sworn to protect. Now those who once supported him, question his guilt or innocence.

Through the Fire is an intriguing work that speaks to the character of faith and the reward of obedience.

Click To Read Dr. Linda Beed's interview in the JUL/AUG issue of SORMAG Digital.

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