Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Shalena D.I.V.A. is the author of "Fire Your Friends: A Woman's Guide to Becoming Her Own Best Friend", speaker, and certified life coach who has shown thousands of women how to discover, invest, value and appreciate their God-given gifts and talents.

As the creator of www.shalenadiva.com, she created a platform for women to better their lives and build their businesses. She currently resides in Philadelphia, PA with her young son and enjoys helping women all around the world to unleash their inner D.I.V.A! www.shalenadiva.com

Become the CEO of your Life! Have the courage to fire, hire, or promote people within your inner circle. “Fire Your Friends: A Woman's Guide to Becoming Her Own Best Friend” introduces you to 5 powerful girlfriends who live within all women. Your new best friends will make you laugh, cry, think, and ultimately fall in love with the woman in the mirror: YOU. They teach you valuable lessons that will help you create a healthy relationship with yourself FIRST.

Read Shalena’s interview in SORMAG Digital - CLICK HERE

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