Cracks in My Palms was written simply because I grew tired of waiting on someone else to write it!
The topic you you’ve been hoping your favorite rapper would address. I’ve taken the liberty to address.
The war within yourself, the battle raging in your mind, trying to maintain sanity in a insane world. I’ve put that in words so you don’t have to feel alone anymore.
The many twist and turns of an relationship that leaves us asking “what exactly is love?” I like to think I’ve answered that question perfectly.
You’ll see life through the eyes of the down trodden.
For once you read words uplifting women, vice degrading them!
You’ll experience the uncertainty of a father who knows he can’t be here among the living forever, and just wants the best for his princess.
You will experience life RAW, uncut, absent of the Hollywood filter.
You’ll laugh, cry, smile become angry, and love it.
This book was not written simply to entertain you.
It was written to awakened the dead in spirit, to cause the bitter to love once more, to empathize with the bereaved, to cause debate, to force those who always feel to think, to question the black and white lines of world that divide us.
This book was written for you, you just don’t know it yet!
Love is understanding , love is prayer, love is forgiveness
love is taken for granted, love is rare, love is relentless
love hurts,love lives, love gives,love is fierce
loves a bitch,your pride love is guranteed to pierce,
love dilligently works
love pushes, love strains, love strives,
love weathered under pressure sometmes bursts
a love deprived cries because its dying of thirst,
love can be exciting or mellow and mild
love can drive a young man wild
love hears, love see’s, love learns , love teaches
love expects, love delivers, when love is lost, love seeks it
love believes, love dreams , love tries, love fails
love is pure, love endures, love fights, love prevails
love is heaven , love is hell,love is freedom, love is a cell
love is a blessing, love is a curse,love is a lesson loves is..
The most Perfect Imperfection
love is ridicule,love is pivotal,love is a very difficult wish for two
love is loyal,love is honest,love is Principle
love is progress,love is mystical, love is a promise, love is invincible
love is God’s hands, God’s earth, God’s breath of life,the creation, God’s Man
Love is a Man’s life, his rib,his Wife, God’s Plan
Love is the unconquerable emotion that superceedes all
love is everything created shaken together
love is beyond boundaries without measure
love is here, love is now, love is forever..yeah Love is Forever.
Get to know the author:
How long have you been writing?
I started off writing at the age of six. I entered my very first story in the Young Authors contest. I did not win due to the graphic nature of my story. (I wrote a horror story) However, I got a honorable mention and kudos from various teaching saying that my story was great, but it was just too gory. Lol
Who is your greatest influence when regarding writing?
My greatest influence is the great Maya Angelou, Nina Simone, Langston Hughes and Gill-Scott Herring as far as poetry is concerned. Now regarding novels I love, Stephen King, Alex Haley, Claude Brown, Dick Gregory and I have a guilty pleasure; I enjoy Zane.
What is your favorite book?
My favorite book is the bible. I have yet to find a book more controversial, more historically accurate, and more globally misunderstood then the bible. It us beyond intriguing. It’s like only a select group of people were set apart to truly grasp the books overall objective. It’s a classic.
How far do you want to take your writings?
My personal goal is to one day be able to write for a living.
My ultimate goal is to change the world one reader at a time.
Will any of your personal trials or tribulations be addressed in your writing?
In every book I will be revealing a piece of me that no one knows, writing is therapeutic and I owe my fans all of me!
What is your motivation behind writing?
First and foremost my daughter. Outside of serving proudly in the Navy, I want my daughter to be proud of who the man her father is by continuing to earn a respectable living
Secondly a past lover whom I still care for deeply once told me that I could do anything I wanted to, but writing she said “you were born to write and your just wasting your talent”. So I want to make her proud as well wherever she may be.
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