Empty Womb, Empty Tomb is a
thought provoking memoir recapping the dramatic events surrounding the
premature birth and death of Quiana's baby boy, Nehemiah Johnson, and the
restoring work of the Holy Spirit in the aftermath. March 10, 2014 was
undeniably marked as one of the most life altering days of her life as her and
her husband delivered their firstborn child at home in the bathroom, only to
bury him five days later. Through this tragedy, Quiana learned many truths that
allowed her to overcome her trauma and receive one of the most riveting
revelations of her life. Empty Womb, Empty Tomb provokes every emotion
imaginable as the reader tags along as one woman finds hope and wholeness
through venturing to an empty tomb once occupied by Jesus Christ.
Quiana E. Johnson is a
sought-after Bible teacher and the author of the new book Empty Womb, Empty
Tomb, an astounding life-altering memoir for women who desire encouragement,
hope, healing, and deliverance from prenatal trauma.
Quiana is also a motivational
speaker, entrepreneur, worship flag dancer, vision consultant, online radio
personality, and CO-Pastor of Transformation Temple International, a new
progressive church in the Richmond, VA area. Affectionately known as
"Queen", she resides in North Chesterfield, VA with her husband and
business partner, Bradley. She is currently finishing her Bachelor's of Science
degree in Business Administration and Computer Science at Liberty University.
Since the age of 19, Quiana
recognized that her predestined assignment is to travel the world teaching
women how to overcome their past by having their broken hearts completely
mended by the Word of God while becoming engulfed in the purposes of God and
representing the Kingdom culture. She currently mentors women in achieving the
abundant life in the areas of vision, marriage, finances, and self-love.
Social Links:
Website: http://www.emptywomb.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/queenparadigm
Buy Links:
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1du3aYk
Amazon ebook: http://amzn.to/1HtuFZ6
Tour hosted by WNL
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