Tuesday, February 23, 2016


The “Ex Chronicles” is an anthology, or collection of short stories, written by twenty talented writers. These stories are about relationships between spouses, lovers and friends that wane, fade and ultimately fail. My story, “The Circle of Life”, explores the relationship between Jill and Jason, intense but doomed from the beginning. And it is not until Jill is faced with the inevitable, that she realizes the circle of life never ends but is continuously reborn through the seeds of other lives.

After her retirement in 2010, it seemed the natural next step for Sharon to combine her passion for event planning, reading and book clubs. Much of her time is spent planning literary events in support of the often overlooked and underrated African American author and the books clubs that sustain them. In 2015, Sharon answered a longing to share her “best practices” in her first published book, “Plan It! The Complete Resource Guide for Authors, Book Clubs & Literary Event Planners”.
She and her husband and partner, David, live with their two cocker spaniels in Bowie, MD as they savor what has proven to be, the most exciting time of their life.

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What inspired your story:

My first book is a non-fiction resource guide that from the first time it was read by my mentor, Victoria Christopher Murray, she encouraged me to try my hand at writing fiction. This short story book, selected from more than 300 submissions, is my leap of faith to enter the realm of fiction writing.

What would you like readers to take away from your story?

The stories in this anthology are about the lost loves in a person’s life. I would like the reader to take away from my story that life can and does go on after a relationship dies.

What character did you have the most fun writing about?

Jill, who is not only one of the main characters, also narrates the story. 

What did you learn while writing this story?

That I love writing but it isn’t easy – it’s something you must care an awful lot about and stay with if you want to be successful. There are no shortcuts when developing a good story.

What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?

I believe there is a reason for every season of one’s life and that all I have learned to this point has helped to make me the woman I am. There is nothing I wish I had known before.

What advice would you offer to someone whose first book is about to be released?

I would advise them to research and think long and hard to identify their target audience, how to best reach them, and then to promote to that audience fearlessly. To always trust their instincts, find a knowledgeable mentor and never underestimate what a supportive book club or group of book clubs can do to help advance their career. 

What’s the most interesting change in your life as a result of being a published author?

For years, I have supported and advocated for African American authors. The first time I realized I am now one of them, it was startling and I still have to remind myself that it is no less important for me to support and advocate for myself and for my work as well.

What are your three favorite social media platforms and how are you using them for promotion.

I love and use Facebook, Twitter and blogging on my various websites. I post something on at least two of these sites each day, sometimes several times a day. Jacquelin Thomas of Brown Girls Publishing, and also a mentor, told me before my first book was published that in order to establish myself, I needed to share my knowledge on my blog and Facebook in order for people to want to follow me on these different mediums. I took her advice and it has proven to be “on the money”!

Oprah always asks, what do you know for sure.

I know for sure that I love what I do and that I am happy!

Anything that you’d like to say to the readers of SORMAG?

It is a fact that the African American author is often overworked, overlooked and underrated. While I encourage readers to be well rounded in their reading choices and genres, we do need and appreciate all that you do to support us and to keep African American literature alive.

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