Friday, March 18, 2016


Dwon Johnson is a Marine Corps Veteran, Author, Entrepreneur and Motivational Speaker.  She has Co-authored the Anthology, "The Ex-Chronicles", published by Brown Girls Books. She launched her Soy Bath and Beauty line, SassiSoul Soy, in the mid 2000's. In addition to SassiSoul Soy, she has her own Greeting card line, SassiSentiments.

She is a firm believer in the quote "You can't go through life with catcher mitts on both hands. You have to be able to throw something back." She gives back by mentoring and speaking to Women of all ages about the importance of self-love and using the negative experiences in life as A stepping stone toward pursuing dreams instead of allowing them to hold you hostage. While Motivating, she also shares her story of struggling and overcoming Depression, Domestic Abuseand Sexual Assault.

How Readers can get in contact with me:

Facebook-Dwon D. Moss

Tangie's life is set to Music. So is her love for Khalid. What started out as a High School puppy love, evolved into a full blown "growing" up love for these soulmates. Until REAL situations infiltrated their REAL love. Will their REAL decisions lead to an Amazing love or leave them All Cried Out?

What inspired your book?

The inspiration, for me, was the opportunity to write stories about Ex relationships with nineteen talented Women. I loved that this Anthology was not about male bashing and that it told stories of Ex-lovers, families and friends. 

What would you like for readers to take away from your book?

That love is inevitable. It can make you, break you and blind you, but you will love and you will survive the outcome of that love. 

Which Character did you have the most fun writing about?

I had the most fun writing Tangie. I could relate to her. She wanted to shed her “old” life in an effort to chase after a life she thought she wanted. She had fun in the process. She learned lessons but she ends up realizing that her “old” life was “home” and it’s where she was loved the most.

What did you learn while writing this book?

I learned that telling a story is definitely emotional. I had to actually become Tangie and feel everything that she felt, in order for me to tell the story the way it needed to be told. 

What are the three things you wish you’d known before you reached where are now?

1.       Always finish what I start.
2.       God’s delay is not a denial.
3.       What and who God has for me will me mines. All he requires of me is to do my part and have faith that he has the rest. 

What advice would you give someone whose first book is about to be released?

Be wise with Marketing. It can be expensive. Don’t be fooled into outsourcing things that you can do yourself.   

What’s the most interesting change in your life, as a result of being a published Author?

I have more confidence in my writing. I’m also more critical of what I write.

What’s your three favorite Social Media platforms and how are you using them for promotion?

Facebook, Twitter and Linked in. Nothing works better than word of mouth. I constantly advertise and hold contests to bring people in. 

Oprah always asks what do you know for sure?

I can Dream big and make them a reality, because I can do ALL things through Christ.

Anything you’d like to say to the readers of SORMAG?

Please go out and purchase, The Ex-Chronicles. Buy one for your friend. This is a fantastic read for Book Clubs. #BrownGirlsRock #TheExChronicles #BrownGirlsBooks

Thank you so much for this interview. It was fun.

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