Friday, August 30, 2019

FEATURED AUTHOR: Queashar L. Halliburton

After 22 years in Corporate America—working in every field from education, insurance and real estate, to construction, sales and public relations—Queashar knew it was time for a shift. Blazing the trail for many, she founded Queashar Detroit Publishing in 2017, where she doesn’t just seek to build a database of clientele. Educating them about the publishing process, marketing, building an author platform and more, she takes the time to go above and beyond the services other small publishers offer. Whereas many publishers focus on the end product, Queashar is committed to client education and great customer service—what many would consider to be a lost art. And her feature in a segment called “Sidewalk Talk” on The Splash, Greater West Bloomfield's News Magazine show, was just the beginning of many open doors.

Her love for authorpreneurs and entrepreneurs alike led the way for her to be a featured guest on numerous podcasts, including The Authors Podcast with Coach Robyn Robbins, the She Leads Podcast with Nicole Walker, and the Godlywood Girl TV YouTube Show with Stephanie Rodnez, CEO of Godlywood Girl. In addition to serving as a faithful member of the Nonfiction Authors Association, Queashar is also a member of the Advance Magazine Contributor Network, where her content will be featured throughout 2019 and beyond.

When she’s not birthing bestselling authors, she’s working to pen her next literary masterpiece. Currently working on two books simultaneously centered around success, Queashar is also working on an eBook and workbook centered around procrastination. In the future, she will host podcasts that will highlight tips on self-publishing, marketing and more for authors. Her versatility and broad range of knowledge from working in various industries sets her above competitors, causing many of her clients to become repeat customers.

Mailing Address: P. O. Box 201126
Ferndale, MI 48220

Why did you choose to write your book?

As career women, we are encouraged to follow our dreams and live our best life. Sometimes self-sabotaging behaviors like procrastination, living in the past and a negative mindset causes us to delay achieving optimal success in our careers and personal lives. I wanted to share my experiences and life lessons to help professional women to acknowledge, identify and overcome self-sabotaging behaviors so that they can live a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

Why should a reader read your book?

Skyrocket Your Success empowers professional women to stop waiting for permission to soar. This book provides 10 tips to increase your success factor and start living in purpose today.

What would you like readers to take away from your book?

After reading Skyrocket Your Success, I want readers to feel empowered to jumpstart a strategic plan of action so they can start taking steps to fully activate their success potential.

What advice would you offer to someone whose book is about to be released?

Be very clear when it comes to marketing your book to your target audience. The real work begins once you publish your book. Don’t get discouraged if you aren't racking up sells immediately.  Keep on promoting and get help if necessary.

What three literary events would you recommend a writer in your genre attend?
I would recommend that writers attend The Red Ink Conference hosted by Tenita C. Johnson (, Rochester Writing Conference at Oakland University ( and The Produce, Publish and Promote Summit by LaShaunda Hoffman (

What literary event can we find you this year?

Fall 2019 Nonfiction Writer’s Conference. It’s a virtual event hosted by Non-Fiction Authors Association (

Who was the first author you ever met?

My maternal grandfather was the first author that I met The Late Elder Timothy L. Barge Sr of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

What’s the most interesting change in your life as a result of being a published author? 

Since becoming a published author, I’ve become more fulfilled in my life. Writing a book was a life-long goal that I finally accomplished. Becoming a published author gives you instant credibility as an expert. People look up to you as an action-taker and it feels great.  

What has surprised you most about being a published author?

I never knew that it would be such a challenge to market my book. After more research, taking a class and creating a new plan, I am now ready to strategically market my book.

What about writing do you wish non-writers would understand?

At times, writing can be very technical and strategic. Using the right terminology is key, it allows authors to explain complex issues more effectively.

Can you give us one do and one don't for those aspiring to be an author?

DO Network with new and seasoned authors. It’s so important to build a support system of people who understand exactly what you are going through in your writing journey.

Don’t procrastinate! Finish your book. Don’t overthink the process. Your book is the gateway to future endeavors. Writing a book can lead to creating multiple streams of income.

What advice would you offer for someone who is having a hard time finishing the book?

Create an effective writing schedule and a book completion timeline. Set a specific time to write daily and set an alarm in your phone as a reminder. Show up for yourself just like you show up for your 9-5 job. Consistency is the key to success.

When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?

When I’m not writing, I love to spend time with family and friends. I love to travel, listen to live music, go to plays, museums, and spend time volunteering in my community.

Oprah always asks, what do you know for sure?

I know that I was meant to write a book. I finally feel like I am headed in the right direction and I can’t wait to see what’s on the other side of my newly found writing career.

 Any last words for our readers?

It’s never too late for you to follow your dreams or accomplish your goals. If you are still breathing, then there is still time for you to achieve greatness and make a difference in someone else’s life.

Everybody has growing pains, but most people only highlight the good times. Don't feel bad if you think your journey to success isn't immediate! It takes time, hard work and dedication to make it to the top. Be patient and continue to work hard and your time will come. In my new book,"Skyrocket Your Success", I will discuss how identifying your unique purpose will help you focus on your success and deter you from comparing and secretly competing with others.

Skyrocket Your Success will help professional women identify and acknowledge self-sabotaging behaviors standing in the way of achieving optimal success. This book provides 10 tips to increase your success factor and start living your best life today!

 You will learn:

• How to unapologetically create your own personal definition of success

• How focusing on your unique journey to success will deter you from comparing yourself and secretly competing with others

• The distinguishing habits and mindset of successful people versus unsuccessful people

• How to identify and overcome self-sabotaging behaviors so you can reign in your purpose

• How to create and map out your strategic plan to increase your success potential by working with your skills

Skyrocket Your Success will set a new standard of success and help professional women worldwide own their gifts and unlock their hidden personal power to achieve success!


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