Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Warren Armour was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. He is a graduate from Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri. He aspires to become a full-time screenwriter and author.  WHEN CLOUDS TAKE FORM is his debut novel.

How can readers get in contact with you?
Instagram: @kicksofgod
Twitter: @BlackLitSTL

Tell us about your manuscript to published author journey.

It was a somewhat arduous journey in all honesty, but very fulfilling in the end. The creative side is very enjoyable and comes so naturally, then you must switch mindsets and factor in structures of outside requirements and stipulations. Add that this was not only my first book but also a self-publishing effort, so I really had to welcome information overload.

What inspired your book?

As a child I would always hear people speak of my grandparents as a thing of legend and lore, and there was an eerie feeling that I was only getting half of the story, even from my own Mother. So that really fascinated me for years and I knew very early own that I couldn’t wait to tell my family’s story in full.

What did you learn while writing this book?

On a personal level, I learned that our goals and aspirations are limitless. You really have to find what’s important to you in life and go after it.

What did you hope to accomplish with this book?

I was just determined to get my story out. There have been so many unfortunate losses generation after generation leading up to me, and I can only imagine the untold stories. Now I have something concrete, that will live long after I’m gone.

What would you like readers to take away from your book?

Be resilient in your faith and belief, that no matter the circumstances you posses the ability to overcome and do amazing things. The story is real and infiltered as mind-blowing as that is to a lot of people who consume it, let my journey inspire you to new heights.

What do you believe makes your books stand out?

My book reveals the underbelly of an uncomfortable but sadly common story of struggle facing Black America. It gives soul and wide-eyed imagery in a way that can’t be learned or studied, it had to be lived.

What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?

I would advise to give yourself more than ample time from book’s finish to promotion in hindsight. Treat them as completely separate pushes.

Proofread, proofread & proofread.

Value those who already show interest in your goals as a lot of energy can be wasted on trying to convince those who don’t.

How do you find balance with your writing and life?

You have to put pressure on yourself by setting goals with hard deadlines. Therefore, when you meet the inevitable struggle to find enough time in a day, you are forced sacrifice in the appropriate areas.

How do you stay consistent with your book promotion?

Planning is the key. I’ve learned so much in my first effort through trial and error that I’m already planning promotion before the finish of future projects. Consistency is vital in promotion and I learned that the hard way.

What advice would you offer to someone whose first book is about to be released?

As I previously touched on, understand that the release date isn’t the finish line and promotion makes up the second half of the race.

What’s are your favorite social media platforms and how are you using them for promotion?

Twitter is my favorite to use daily and exploring but I’ve found that Instagram is much better for promotion. There is more interaction with people beyond your reach due to the ability to pay for advertisement and so many seeking to offer promo.

What three literary events would you recommend a writer in your genre attend?

Build a relationship with your local bookstore, many offer special consignment and other options for local authors and always have a diverse schedule of literary events.

In that same vein, local book clubs are also a great way to network.

Lastly, I plan on attending my first ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition this summer and highly recommend others join.

What’s the most interesting change in your life as a result of being a published author? 

Inspiration. So many friends, family and peers are not only proud of the accomplishment but inspired to become authors and reach other goals in their life.

What about writing do you wish non writers would understand?

Please understand this is done out of dedication and passion for the craft, monetary gain is far down on the list.

Can you give us one do and one don't for those writing the book in the heart?

Don’t be limited by outside parameters whether it be publishers, editors or even the audience. Everything will fall into place AFTER you’ve spilled your heart out.

An English Professor once told me the best work comes when you bleed through the pen, do this and feel comfortable knowing this is the best you.

When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?

I’m a classic film junkie. From Hitchcock to Spaghetti Westerns, I’m always searching for great and overlooked movies. 

Oprah always asks, what do you know for sure?

I know that no one will believe in you like you can believe in yourself.

Any last words for our readers?

Thank you so much for taking the time hear me. Please pick up ‘When Clouds Take Form’ and let me know what you think, it’s available locally in St. Louis at Subterranean Books or on Amazon in paperback, eBook or audio form.

A powerful story of a Mother’s courage takes readers on one woman’s journey to overcome childhood trauma, addiction, and despair. Told from the perspective of a young boy named Quinn, through his innocent intuitiveness the story revolves around his sometimes humorous search for answers about the cruel world around him as he wonders if his own fate is sealed as a descendant of devastating trauma that may flow in the bloodlines of his family. A true glimpse of history documented; the story marks a vivid understanding of what it was like growing up Black in St. Louis affected by the different drug epidemics that spanned more than fifty years.


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