Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Women In Literature - Meet Ellen Parker

America beckons with opportunity during the 1850’s.


Louisa Mueller, a baker’s daughter, arrives in Elm Ridge, Illinois with determination to learn English and work as a baker. Since the death of her sweetheart a year ago, she pushes aside thoughts of marriage. However, she’s intrigued by a fellow passenger who tells the most interesting stories.


Desperate for a fresh start, a young thief takes the name Hans Hoffmann when a look-alike passenger dies during the trans-Atlantic passage. Vowing to be an honest man in America, Hans discovers temptation wears many disguises. Will the pair be rewarded as they attempt their new dreams in a strange land?


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Raised in a household filled with books, it was only natural that Ellen Parker grew into an avid reader. She turned to writing as a second career and enjoys spinning the type of story which appeals to multiple generations. She encourages her readers to share her work with mother or daughter – or both.

Ellen currently lives in St. Louis. When not guiding characters to “happily ever after” she’s apt to be reading, walking in the neighborhood, or tending her tiny garden. You can find her on the web at and

Why did you choose to write books?

When I visit a library or bookstore, I’m drawn to full-length novels, biographies, and historical works rather than short-stories, poetry, or anthologies. So when I started to write – I wanted my work to fit what I read. I struggled at first to make my stories long enough for publication as a novel, but as the years progress, the length comes a little more natural.

What is your most proud moment as an author?

It’s difficult to pick just one. However, when I’m selling books at a craft show, it’s a real thrill for a person to say “I’ve never met an author before” and want to shake my hand.

Why should a reader read your current book?

New Dreams is a clean and wholesome romance set in 1850’s Illinois. My book is suitable for all ages and will have a happy ending. In addition, some of the incidents from a time of great change in the mid-nineteenth century echo in the present.

What do you think will be your writing legacy?

I have learned a great deal from other writers. I hope that I am able to pass down some knowledge to the writers that follow – either by reviews, critiques, or conversations over coffee.

What advice would you offer an author whose book is releasing next week?

I would encourage them to post about their book on every social media platform where they have an account. Then I would ask them to find several friends willing to read the book and post a review in the first weeks after release. 

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