Tuesday, September 05, 2006

SEP06 - AUTHOR INTRO - Linda Wattley

My name is Linda Wattley, I reside in Copley, Ohio. I am widowed with two sons, Robert III and Marcus. I enjoy spending time with my mother and family. I enjoy watching movies, going for long walks, working out, reading and writing. Before I became a novelist, I use to be a Spiritual Writer for the Frost Illustrated Newspaper in Fort Wayne Indiana. I would write what I felt God was speaking into my spirit. This is my most fulfilling pleasure. My heart felt desire in this life time is to rekindle love back into the hearts of my fellowman. Love has and always will be very important to me. I want the world to know God is not mocked. His son did not die for nothing. We can love but we first must realize this world is not our home or our God. Our God is love and so are His children.

Deeper Than Love

What could be Deeper than Love? Join Leona Tillard as she reveals the answer to this question. After being Daddy's Girl, she finds out the true meaning of love and the price of not knowing. Sexuality, Sensuality and Spirituality are the powerful forces determining our choices in life.

Visit Linda at:

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