Tuesday, November 14, 2006

BLOG TOUR: Dorothy Thompson

SORMAG: Please give the readers a brief bio on you the person and the writer.

Dorothy Thompson:
Hi, LaShaunda, and thanks for the interview! Well, let's see....I'm a relationship expert, author, syndicated columnist, graphic designer, web site designer, and...ahem...marketing guru. Lots of hats. I'm also editor of The Writer's Life, one of Writer's Digest Magazine's Top 101 Websites.

SORMAG: Tell us about your current book?

"A Complete Guide to Promoting & Selling Your Self-Published eBook," is an eBook to show you how to promote eBooks. Whether it's an eBook that is published by an e-publisher, or an eBook you've self-published, this eBook witll show you the tricks of the trade to getting those sales you've been wanting. It's basically a guide to refer to every single time you have an eBook published, with clickable links to take you to hundreds of promotional venues. What I have done with this eBook is make it easy on the author, being as time is so precious. Five years went into the making of this, and I really feel that if you want to make those sales, this eBook is your perfect guide.

SORMAG: What would you like your readers to take away from your book?

LOL...I'll tell you what I would love to see. I'd love to hear someone say, "Wow...I'm going to write an eBook, and see what kind of money will come in!" That's what I've heard people say all ready. They are so excited; they can't wait to jump right in. You can sense their enthusiasm, and that's what it's all about...to show you how to successfully sell an eBook, whether it's published by an e-publisher, or self-published. Actually, the self-published author will stand to make more money because all of the profits are theirs. Every single promotional venue in the eBook costs NOTHING. I know how it is to wear the starving writers' shoes. Although, yes, the eBook costs a little bit more money than other eBooks, but the information is there. No frills. No hypes. I only wish I had this information years ago when I had my first eBook published by an e-publisher. The sales were dismal. I began to hate e-publishing with a vengeance. It wasn't until I started promoting my writing group's free eBook did I decide to put all this information into an eBook that would benefit everyone. If you do everything I have outlined in the eBook, I guarantee you will appear in the number one spot of all the search engines, just like I did with my writing group's two free eBooks, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Getting Published" and "Haunted Happenings." We plan on one for Christmas, too, and I'll be putting the promotional plan into action with this one, also.

SORMAG: What are the joys and sorrows of ebook publishing?

If you had asked me five years ago this very same question, I could have given you plenty of sorrows. No joys. Today, what a turnaround.

How would you like to produce something (and it's easier than people think), sell it yourself off your website, and see actual revenue coming in from it in a matter of days? And what's really cool about it is that it's 100% profit. You can set your eBook at any price you want. Just remember, if you price it high, make sure the information is there. I'm really upset at how people misuse this system. The main thing you want to do is cut out the frill. You can put enough information in a 50-page eBook if you wanted, and still have a successful eBook on your hands.

The only sorrows I feel at this time is that I didn't start earlier. It's a perfect system. While you're waiting for that NY contract, or waiting for royalties to come in from your already-published books, whip out an eBook on something you know about. It really comes in handy for those stay-at-home moms or dads who want to bring in some money from something that is virtually simple to produce.

SORMAG: If you could have dinner with 3 authors to talk with about their writing (living or deceased), who would you invite and why?

Man, I would love to get inside the head of Stephen King. It must have the strangest dreams you've ever seen to be able to write some of the stuff he writes. J.K. Rowling...I'd love to sit down and chat over a cup of coffee. Just what is it inside those heads that puts out these wonderful books? Another person I'd really loooove to talk to is that other darn Dorothy Thompson that keeps pushing me out of the search engines. Do a google search on her and you'll see what I mean. Man, that woman was the bomb. Interviewed Hitler and everything. I would probably thank her, though...when people put in my name, they'll come up with thousands of links, even though half of them aren't mine!

Visit Dorothy at: http://www.dorothythompson.net

Editor, The Writer's Life http://www.thewriterslife.net

Blog at http://www.overthehillchick.blogspot.com

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