Friday, November 10, 2006

In Memory of Gerald Levert

Gerald Levert
Whenever I asked an author whose music she listened to when writing, Gerald’s name always came up. His songs were the type of song that inspired, love scenes and romance.

When I think of Gerald, I remember him starting out with Levert and how much I played their first CD when I was stationed in San Diego.

I had the pleasure of seeing them in concert once and seeing Gerald in concert twice.
I was front row center listening to him croon to us.

The G-Bear as his fans called him knew how to romance a woman.

My sympathy goes out to his family and fans.
I know we’re going to miss him forever.
His music will always be with us to inspire us even more.

1 comment:

  1. LaShaunda,

    This is such a loss, such an incredible loss. Words can't even express... The brother had an amazing voice and stage presence and he could "sa-ng" a song like nobody's business. He personified soul singer for my generation and he will be missed. Thanks for posting this tribute.



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